2022/11/13 16:16:54
“假如你對共濟會的所有集團進行調查,直至你到達它的最重要的最高層中,你將發現共濟會在全球的首領,那位可怕的人和耶穌會的頭目是同一個人……”美國歷史學家詹姆斯•帕頓(James Parton)
“耶穌會”的創辦人,依納爵•羅耀拉是一名巫師,也是光照派(Alumbrados)的成員。 (注:光照派主張唯有默觀祈禱方可尋得光照而與神合一,默想耶穌人性及苦難是多餘的,人達於完美就不會犯罪。)
於1545-1563年間“特倫特會議”(The council of Trent)的條例規定:任何人不遵守天主教的教義,將會被咒逐。
(注:特倫托會議。 這個是一個反宗教改革的組織。這個會議重申了教會是唯一有翻譯聖經權力的組織,使用耶柔米的拉丁聖經作為製定譯本。並重申天主教的絕對權力。
公元1743年,一位名為阿姆謝爾•摩西•鮑爾(Amschel Moses Bauer)的金匠在德國的法蘭克福開了一家錢幣店,在他的店舖的門上,掛了一個有羅馬鷹在紅盾牌上的招牌,後來,這店便被譽為紅盾公司。紅盾的德文就是Rothschild(譯音為:羅斯柴爾德)。
這個招牌是由一頭拜占庭帝國(Byzantine Empire)(即羅馬帝國)的雙頭鷹的徽章附在紅盾上組成。
阿姆謝爾•摩西•鮑爾與尚克•勒赤妮(Schonche Lechnich)結婚,後來生了8個男孩。第4個兒子,在1744年出生,名為梅耶•阿姆謝爾•鮑爾(Mayer Amschel Bauer),他在十歲時已開始協助父母管理錢財。
由於耶穌會在1773年被教宗克萊門特十四世廢除,耶穌會士亞當•魏斯奧普特(Adam Weishaupt)於1776年成立光照派(Illuminati)作為隱藏耶穌會的掩護組織。
“耶穌會使用光照派及其他組織來進行它們的活動(陰謀),因此,當耶穌會所犯的罪行被批評時,均由這些前線組織來承擔。”比爾•休斯(Bill Hughes)1815年6月18日,羅特希爾德的特工人員從威靈頓勳爵手中獲得有關拿破崙戰敗的消息,並在消息抵達倫敦前20多小之時,通知了內森•羅特希爾德。
“歷史顯示羅斯柴德家族在南北戰期間,重金支持雙方……” 約翰•科爾曼博士,《羅斯柴爾德皇朝》(Dr. John Coleman, The Rothschild Dynasty)
“我不喜歡耶穌會教士的再次出現……假如這裡有一群人應被詛咒和罰下地獄的話,這就該是羅耀拉的社會(耶穌會)。儘管如此,由於我們體系(憲法)對宗教的容忍,我們被迫給他們庇護。” 約翰•亞當斯,美國第二任總統。
“我知道耶穌會是從不忘記或放棄的,但是,一個人不應對他如何死或死在那裡有太多的顧慮。”《亞伯拉罕•林肯(在羅馬教會50年)——查里斯•赤尼貴(Charles Chiniguy) “按我的意見來看,這個國家(美國)的自由早已被破壞一清。這是羅馬天主教耶穌會教士們使用微妙的手段所導致的,他們是公民自由和宗教自由最狡猾、最危險的敵人。他們煽動了歐洲大部分的戰爭。”拉斐特侯爵(Marquis de Lafayette)
“公眾基本上對梵諦岡和他的耶穌會導致兩次世界大戰的無法抗拒的責任(罪行)一無所知——而導致這局面出現的部分原因與梵諦岡和耶穌會給以巨額的安排有關。”埃德蒙•巴黎,《耶穌會士的秘密歷史》(Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits)
“根據耶穌會教士(托馬斯•J•坎貝爾,Thomas J. Campbell)的記錄,在1555年至1931年期間,由於耶穌會教士破壞國家的福祉,從事政治陰謀和顛覆計劃,最少有83個國家、州和城市將耶穌會教士驅逐出境。” JEC•謝潑德(JEC Shepherd)
阿道夫•尼古拉斯(Adolfo Nicholas)
Catholic Church governs world economy politics through its Jesuits a Catholic Order
“If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the world, you will discover the dreadful individual and
the chief society of Jesus are one and the same person…” James Parton, American Historian
Around 1517, there was a protestant reformation. In 1534, Ignatius Loyola founded an order of the Vatican called the “Jesuits” to help the Pope to rule as
Sovereign rule.
Ignatius Loyola, the founding member of the Jesuits, was a witch and a member of the Alumbrados.
The council of Trent (1545-1563) ruled that anyone who doesn't adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church is anathema (worthy of death).
The Jesuits began infiltrating missionaries and churches as well as gaining powerful positions as confessors to Kings – they sought to use their confessions
as blackmails to aristocracy, and this is how they gradually took power of leaders.
Pope Clement XIV signed a decree in 1773 banishing them, taking and/or destroying all their assets in every nation. Every country adopted, except for Russia
where orthodox Christianity opposed the Vatican jurisdiction.
In 1743 a goldsmith name Amschel Moses Bauer opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany. He hung above his door a sign depicting a Roman eagle on a red shield.
The firm became known as the red shield firm. The German word for “red shield” is Rothschild.
The sign was a double-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire) on a red shield.
Amschel Bauer married Schonche Lechnich an had eight sons. The fourth was Mayer Amschel Bauer (born 1744). Mayer assisted his parents' dealing of money from
the age of ten.
Sometime in Mayer's life, he changed his name from Bauer to Rothschild (red shield). Through his experience with Oppenheimers, Mayer learned that loaning
money to governments and kings was much more profitable.
Mayer had five sons: Amschel, Solomon, Nathan, Karl and Jacob. As they came of age, he sent them to the major capitols of Europe to open branch offices of
the family banking business.
Amschel stayed in Frankfurt, Solomon was sent to Vienna, Nathan was sent to London, Karl was sent to Naples and Jacob was sent to Paris.
Because the Jesuits were formally abolished by Pope Clement XIV in 1773, Jesuit Adam Weishaupt established the Illuminati in 1776 specifically to be a front
organization behind which the Jesuits could hide.
And at the top of the Illuminati is the Rothschilds, and Jacob Rothschild is the current head of the Rothschild family.
“The Jesuits used the Illuminati and the other organization to carry out their operations. Thus, the front organization would be blamed for the trouble
caused by the Jesuits.” Bill Hughes
On the 18, June 1815, the Rothschild agent was able to get the news of Napoleon's defeat at the hands of Lord Wellington, to Nathan Rothschild; a full
twenty hours before the news reached London.
Nathan put out the rumor to the London Stock Exchange that Napoleon had won the war. Stock felt by 98% and then Rothschild was able to buy up the entire
British economy. When the news arrived of Napoleon's defeat, stocks soured and Rothschild ruled England.
“History reveals that the Rothschilds were heavily involved in financing both sides of the Civil War…” Dr. John Coleman, The Rothschild Dynasty
“This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.” Abraham Lincoln on the Civil War
“I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits…If ever there was a body of men who merited damnation on earth and in hell; it is this society of Loyola's.
Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer then asylum.” John Adams, 2nd president of the USA
“I know the Jesuits never forget nor forsake, but man must not care how or where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty.” Abraham Lincoln
(50 years in the Church of Rome) Charles Chiniguy
“It is my opinion that the liberties of this country (USA) are destroyed. It will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the
most crafty, dangerous enemies to the civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.” Marquis de Lafayette
“The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars – a
situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and the Jesuits.” Edmond Paris, The Secret History of
the Jesuits
“Between 1555 and 1931 the Jesuit Order was expelled from at lease 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion
plots against the welfare of the state, according to the records of the Jesuit priest repute (Thomas J. Campbell).” – JEC Shepherd
“Alas, I know they (ie the Jesuits) would poison me; but I did not expect to die so slow in a cruel manner.” (1774)
Pope Clement XIV (who had “forever” abolished the Jesuit Orders in 1773)
On February 9, 1929, Fascist Mussolini signed a concordant (Lateran Pact) between the Italian government and the Vatican – re-establishing the political
power and diplomatic standing of the Catholic Church. Mussolini declares the Vatican an independent state.
The Vatican signed a concordant with Hitler, the year he came into power in 1933.
“I have learnt most of all from the Jesuit Order. A good part of that organization I have transport directly to my own party.” Adolf Hitler
“I have learned much from the Order of the Jesuits; until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical
organization of the Catholic Church.” – Adolf Hitler
“In Himmler, I see our Ignatius de Loyola.” – Adolf Hitler
The Jesuits are under the control of the superior general
The “Black Pope”
Adolfo Nicholas