
International Trailer:G.I. JOE - THE RISE OF COBRA

2009/05/01 17:36:40 網誌分類: 影視
01 May



Written by Matt Goldberg

"G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" may very well be the sequel to "Team America: World Police" but without the puppets.  The trailer starts off with a generic bad guy (Christopher Eccleston) launching acid missiles and one hits the Eiffel Tower and starts disintegrating it and the tower comes crashing down.  The next line in the trailer is, I sh*t you not, someone telling the American President, "The French are pretty upset."  Best.  Understatement.  Ever.


Of course, the whole trailer has French subtitles (makes sense since it's via and since I don't speak French, perhaps the people running in terror from the falling Eiffel Tower could be screaming "We are very upset!  This turn of events is unfortunate! "


The rest of the trailer reminds me of a line from one of CHUD's old "Hollywoodn' t" comics parodying "The Matrix Reloaded" where the following exchange takes place:


Morpheus: Ever hear of physics and gravity?

Agent: No.

Morpheus: Good.


I'm not saying that "G.I. Joe" will be a bad flick.  It just may be goofy beyond all reason and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that.


Trailer here: http://www.hisstank .com/gi-joe- news/gi-joe- movie-2/early- gi-joe-rise- of-cobra- trailer-8339/

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