
2009/05/06 12:19:13 網誌分類: 宗教
06 May

Pray for those who persecute you



43.“你們聽過有這樣的吩咐:當愛你的鄰舍,恨你的仇敵。’ 44. 可是我告訴你們,當愛你們的仇敵,為迫害你們的祈禱45. 好叫你們成為你們天父的兒子;因為他使太陽照惡人,也照好人;降雨給義人,也給不義的人。 46. 如果你們只愛那些愛你們的人,有甚麼賞賜呢?稅吏不也是這樣作嗎?47. 如果你們單問候你們的弟兄,有甚麼特別呢?教外人不也是這樣作嗎?48. 所以你們要完全,正如你們的天父是完全的。


Jesus Christ teaches us to pray for those who persecuted us.  In our life, it is really difficult to learn this lesson.  At present, I have three persons that I dislike for they are arrogant, double-face, too rigid, despise others, etc.  I was hurt by two of them because of their actions and behavior.  It was difficult for me to overcome the feelings that I had when I saw them and the bad memories were brought back.  Recently, I tried to consider the application of the teaching of our Lord Jesus regarding praying for those who persecuted you. I decided to pray for these 3 persons for 1 month and see what will happen. I pray for them each day once or twice whenever I think of them during the day. I prayed to the Lord to change their attitude and their heart.  After 10 days, I found that the dislike attitude in me changed a bit.  I was amazed that I can remember to pray for them each day.  I hope that God would change me first as well as to change other people that I dislike.  Then, we may have win-win situation.  Thank you Lord.




The love of God is great. The Lord is good.  It is just like the above peach 水蜜桃. Come and taste. It is juicy, sweet, and delicious. God will satisfy your desire and daily need. He is your loving Heavenly Father.  Trust in Him. He will act in perfect timing. 

Cast your anxiety on the Lord because He cares about even the most intimate details of your life. 




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