The Lord protected me in grave threat or danger

2009/05/11 19:27:42 網誌分類: 宗教
11 May


               The Lord protected me in times of grave threat or danger

 詩 91:1-7

住在至高者的隱密處的,必在全能者的蔭庇下安居 我要對耶和華說:你是我的避難所,我的保障,你是我的神,我所倚靠的。” 他必救你脫離捕鳥的人的網羅,脫離致命的瘟疫。 他必用自己的羽毛遮蓋你,你要投靠在他的翅膀底下;他的信實像盾牌,像堅壘。 你不必害怕黑夜的驚恐,或是白日的飛箭; 也不必害怕黑暗中流行的瘟疫,或是在正午把人毀滅的毒病。 雖有千人仆倒在你的左邊,萬人仆倒在你的右邊,但災害必不臨近你。

God saved me from the dangers even before I knew Him and when I was a small boy.  In the past, there were several occasions that the Lord had saved me from serious injuries or death. When I was at an age of 12, I was very naughty. One day, on my way going to school, I climbed up a tree and stood on a branch in order to catch some dragonflies. Suddenly, I slipped and fell from the branch of the tree (about 6 to 7 feet high above the ground). During the fall, I was hurt by an angle iron (角鐵) which was erected upright on the ground. A piece of my flesh was cut off at the upper part of my right leg (just three inches away from the reproductive organ). The injury was quite serious but I did not tell my parents (afraid of punishment). I just washed the wound by myself and covered it with medical ointment. It took about 1 month to recover. In this incident, I was nearly killed; just a few inches away, otherwise, the angle iron pierced through my bodyThank God that He protected me.

Another serious accident happened when I was about 16. One day, I went to the seaside with a friend for skin diving in order to catch some crabs in the water.  In one attempt when I dived to a depth of 6 feet, I inserted my right hand underneath a huge boulder to search for crabs. Somehow, my hand was stuck under the boulder and I could not retrieve my hand. I was panic. After several attempts to push this rock to move (about 30 seconds), I was able to retrieve my hand and got out of the water. I was again nearly killed in this incident.  The Holy Spirit reminded me of this incident recently that God protects His children.  I almost forgot this case since it happened many years ago. 


There were two occasions that the Lord protected me when I crossed the road without checking the traffic condition.  A few years back, there were times that I was caught up with my busy work. I did not check the traffic condition and I crossed the road. When I stepped out of the pavement, it seemed that an idea was suddenly put up to remind me checking the traffic.  Then I realized that a car was coming and I should stop moving.  Thank God, He saved me and guided me. 

The Holy Spirit is not only our comforter, our teacher, but also our protector.  God can send His angels to protect us in times of grave threat or danger (Psalm 91: 11-12. For He will give His angels charge concerning you; To guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, that you do not strike your foot against a stone. ). It was learnt from some messages and teachings on the websites that one guarding angel was assigned to each born again Christian.  Trust God because He cares for us. 

走天路的人 Frankie  


12 May 2009 


This is a day to commemorate(紀念) people who were killed and those who suffered in the earthquake. It is also a day to commemorate heroes who gave their lives including a helicopter driver and those who rendered full support in the rescue.  

下午 2 28分,特大地震在四川汶川爆發,「天府之國」瞬間山崩地裂,逾 8萬人遇難失蹤,近 40萬人受傷, 500萬人無家可歸。災難震驚世界,天下同悲。


回應 (2)
2009/05/12 12:20:44 回覆



Good morning.

//May God bless for those who was killed and suffered from the earthquake~//

Amen.  I wept and prayed a few times when I saw the tragedy on TV and the people suffered last year.



2009/05/12 12:11:23 回覆

Good Morning, Frankie,

 "四川地震一周年紀念"---希望時間可刷掉人的淚水, 並使人忘記天災的傷害, 大家以愛心來重建社區; 愿主賜福四川地震災區呀~

May God bless for those who was killed and suffered from the earthquake~
