疑心深重 市場在愁緒中爬升 -- 何偉傑

2009/05/13 07:57:23 網誌分類: 學習
13 May


Peter Bernstein: If the long-run expected return on bonds in the future were higher than the expected return on equities, the capitalist system would grind to a half, because the reward system would be completely out of whack with the risks involved.

After all, from the end of 1949 to the end of 2000 (including the bull markets of the 1990's), the S&P 500 provided a total annual return of 13.1 percent, while long Treasuries could grind out only 5.8 percent a year.

照財經理論老行家彼得伯恩斯坦(Peter Bernstein)看來,資本主義市場制度繼續興旺延展的前提,必然是股權投資的長線回報要比債權投資優勝,因為這種比試的方程式必定得給予不同層次的風險以恰當的考慮,並相應予以確認與補償。


每日美語知新—— One of the interesting things behind bull markets historically is that they are not greeted with cheers, they are actually greeted by people who do not believe the bull market should ccur. … Normally in a cyclical rebound, it is the poor-quality assets that outperform, you want to stick to higher-quality assets, they may not work in the next two or three quarters but will in the next two or three years. (Richard Bernstein)



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