一對可惡的夫婦 - Mr & Mrs Twits

2009/05/16 07:20:53 網誌分類: 好書推介 - 青少年
16 May

Product Details

"The Twits" by Roald Dahl 是關於一對非常古怪的夫婦Mr & Mrs Twits, 他們不但面相奇異,行為更怪異。 這對退休夫婦經常互相整蠱對方,更以極有趣但有點殘酷方法捕捉小鳥,以製造小鳥批{#icon3}。Mr & Mrs Twits家中還有幾只猴子,Mr Twits 企圖把牠們訓練成倒立猴子,猴子們感到非常痛苦,終於有一天聯同小鳥進行一埸大報復......

"The Twits" by Roald Dahl is about a pair of strange couple, Mr & Mrs Twits. Not only do they look strange, they also act very weird. The retired couple play terrible tricks on each other frequently. In order to have their weekly bird pie, Mr Twits uses an interesting way to catch the birds. Mr and Mrs Twits used to work in the circus and Mr Twits always dream that he can one day train their pet monkeys to become "Upside Down" monkeys. The monkeys feel terrible and one day they ally with the birds to revenge......


適合年齡: 高小


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