一個與烏龜有關的愛情故事 -- Esio Trot

2009/05/16 08:19:43 網誌分類: 好書推介 - 青少年
16 May

Product Details

"Esio Trot" by Roald Dahl是關於一位害羞老佰佰 Mr Hoppy 追求樓下 Mrs Silver 的小故事。為了取悅 Mrs Silver,Mr Hoppy 竟然買了百多頭烏龜,並創作了兩個小咒語...你想他會成功嗎?

"Esio Trot" by Roald Dahl is about a shy old man Mr Hoppy. He is very fond of his downstairs neighbour Mrs Silver. In order to court Mrs Silver, Mr Hoppy buys over 100 tortoises and makes up two little spells...Do you think he would succeed?


適合年齡: 高小

評語: 內容風趣幽默,容易閱讀。

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