Here I Am to Worship

2010/04/29 11:54:21 網誌分類: 基督教歌曲
29 Apr


喜樂之泉 22: Here I Am to Worship 獻上心靈誠實的敬拜


Darlene Zschech - Here I Am to Worship


 Here I am to worship

光輝的主  來為我驅走黑暗  今天終於看得見

Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness, Opened my eyes, let me see.

恩主美善 令我心多敬仰 共渡千載 永不變

Beauty that made this heart adore You, Hope of a life spent with You.

高舉起 我雙手 我下跪 我敬拜

Here I am to worship, Here i am to bow down


Here I am to say that You're my God

永配受頌揚的主 美麗善良恩主

You're altogether lovely, Altogether worthy

你是乾涸中 滴滴甘霖

Altogether wonderful to me

將主高舉 傳萬世 你是王 萬物宇宙 你擁有

King of all days, Oh so highly exalted, Glorious in Heaven above.

拋開尊貴 塵世雖主所創 願為愛來 賜拯救                                                       

Humbly You came to the earth You c reated, All for love's sake became poor

高舉起 我雙手 我下跪 我敬拜

Here i am to worship, Here i am to bow down


Here i am to say that You're my God

永配受頌揚的主 美麗善良恩主

You're altogether lovely, Altogether worthy

你是乾涸中 滴滴甘霖

Altogether wonderful to me

罪疚太多 走向滅亡

I never know how much it cost

痛苦懲罰 基督擔當

To see my sin upon that cross


Here I am to Worship (worship video w/ lyrics)



張學友、林憶蓮:2009 香港金像獎組曲 《百年金曲》


林憶蓮 2004


- 林憶蓮


Here below are some feedbacks of my blog mates at my first anniversary on Yahoo-blog.


-好多謝你的關心, 鼓勵和支持, 願主的愛時常充滿你, 叫你榮神益人!

-Dear Brother Frankie, Congratulation to your 1st year blog anniversary!

Thanks God that we meet each other here in Yahoo Blog. You are one of the devoted Christian I have ever met and willing to share God's love to other people. I feel happy that your wife experienced the healing from the Higher Hands!  May God bless you and your family!

-感謝神讓我們在這裡相識,很欣賞你在弟兄姊妹前的敢言,地獄是真實的,可是人大部份時間都不想去想它。說真的,有時我會想你常常叫人悔改,否則會有地獄的刑罰,會否令人反感呢? 曾聽過許多人有這方面的不快經歷。不過,我想我們互為肢體,就像不同器官,各有功用。神就是藉著你的經歷、你的見證去揭示各人心裡面的陰暗面,讓人反思自己的生命。願主的愛時刻充滿你,又願你常常在主內分別為聖,為主所用!

My reply :

Thank you for your honest and sincere sharing. 

After my second repentance, I came to know that Christians who are living in sinful life will end up in Hell. The Lord revealed many supernatural things to me through the internet.  I often watched Christian testimonies on YouTube and CBN, etc. I came to know that Hell is a terrible place and the torture by demons in Hell is very frightening.  I am a born-again Christian for 34 years.  However, I never heard proper teachings in Churches or bible studies about this subject. 

I understand that my friends will be offended when I tell them the truth, i.e, without Jesus, they will be in Hell.  In general, I seldom told them the details of Hell for I knew very little about it.

Always treasure good friends; especially your dear brothers and sisters in Christ.



約翰福音 3:16


What is Everlasting life (永生)?

永恆的(永存的) 與神同在

約翰福音 17:3




Everlasting life is to know God and the Lord Jesus Christ.  God lives in us so that our spirit can live forever (i.e. presence with God forever)

永恆 eternity

Eternal: no beginning and no end.

Everlasting: there is a beginning and no end.  Example (our spirit – we are born into this world and our spirit will live forever with God in eternity (永恆)  

回應 (2)
2010/04/30 09:24:40 回覆

Giant 巨人Nephilim

God revealed to me on 15 Dec 2009 about the reason of killing the whole tribe through an interview of a Christian on Christian TV program in USA.

It was learnt that God had commanded Joshua to kill the entire tribe 種族 ( including every man, woman and child ) of about 40 tribes because of genetic 遺傳 linkage of the mixed beings - Nephilim ( some fallen angels had sex intercourse with human women; their hybrid offspring became giants -Nephilim) 創世記 6: 4在那些日子,有巨人在地上神的兒子 fallen angels 和人的女子結合,就生了上古英武有名的人物。).  That is a Satan’s plan to contaminate 污染 the Messianic Line ( blood line of Jesus).


For sharing, pl.


2010/04/30 08:26:03 回覆

