
2010/05/09 21:20:14 網誌分類: 宗教
09 May



生命有 Take 2 佈道會- 高皓正見證 Part 1


生命有 Take 2 佈道會-高皓正見證 Part 2


生命有 Take 2佈道會-高皓正見證 Part 3


生命有Take 2佈道會-高皓正見證 Part 4





Source: http://www.gnci.org.hk/beta/gospel/read_gospel.php?gospel_id=69





The following is a hyperlink of my blog message of my testimony.  It is a testimony on how God change me in the past 40 years.

The testimony of 走天路的人 Frankie 



I just received an email about the testimony of 柴玲 

柴玲 Chai Ling, former Tiananmen Square student leader, accepted Jesus Christ as saviour and Lord in December 2009.  She was baptized and gave her testimony on Easter, April 4, 2010.

Her story is very touching.  God can do mighty works among us.  God used 一群佛教徒冒著生命危險救了我 (柴玲).  The devil attacked her inside an aeroplane in the sky. 我要坐飛機去華盛頓。在飛機上,撒旦開始攻擊我……半昏迷狀態的我,醒來感到窒息和眩暈,一種將死和失去控制的感覺。這種黑暗勢力的攻擊,是我在天安門廣場也未曾體驗過的。但是這次,我陷在了過去和將來之間,我失去了所有的目 標和意識,我丟掉了所有力量。我呼求主耶穌的幫助,攻擊才慢慢退去。 

The testimony is so amazing. Please spend 30 minutes reading this great testimony .

The testimony of 柴玲 in Chinese published at a Christian newspaper.


For English, pl. read the following link:


Frankie, 5 May 2010


On 6 May 2010, I watched an interview of a film maker Mr. Darren Wilson by Sid Roth at a Christian TV program in USA.  In the interview, Darren Wilson mentioned Philip Mantofa. Philip was the pastor of a big church in Indonesia with 30,000 members. He preached in many big crusades in Asia. He has the gift of Healing.

Philip with some members of the church went to the head witch doctor’s (巫醫)house at his area everyday.  This head witch doctor was the most powerful witch in Pacific Rim at Indonesia. Every year the witch doctor, who had 27 wives, would hold festivals. The witch doctor would kill one of his wives 妻子by slit 切開 her throat, and then raise her from the dead. Everyday Philip Mantofa and his church members would stand outside the witch’s house and said, “ Repent or else in Jesus’ name”.

One night, Jesus Christ dressed in white robe and appeared in the dream of the head witch doctor.  Jesus told this man that He is Jesus Christ and He wanted the witch doctor to go to the church of Philip Mantofa and get the water baptism.  The witch doctor said that he will not go because he is more powerful than these Christians.  Jesus said that you will go to them for I am the God of these Christians and Jesus is more powerful.  To prove this, Jesus will take away the power of the witch doctor. After saying, Jesus touched his shoulder. The witch doctor woke up and felt that a hand left his shoulder.  He noted that all his evil power had gone.  He could not do any more magic. He tried three days and the power could not be regained.  Therefore, the witch doctor went to the church of Philip Mantofa. He repented and got saved.  Later he was baptized.  Five days after the baptism, he died.


7 May 2010

Source : page 7 of the PDF file at the following hyperlink.



The following is a sharing from a sister in Christ and my reply.

神給這巫師很大的恩典! 就像那十字架上的強盜

A relative 住在印尼,去年她因中了降,一個月後死了。One of my parents飛往印尼探望她 before she died,但找不著機會跟她傳福音。後來my parent回港後很傷心,教會牧者知道後跟我們一起禱告,在禱告中 my parent 楚看見主帶了 her從病房離開到了光明的地方。我們無法得知她是怎樣信主,又或者是否真的在天家了。但這圖畫( vision)安慰了my parent,也深信我們要將一切遺憾交給神。

My reply:

Dear sister,

Two points that I want to make for the case of your relative.

1) you never knew that some Christians or 院牧 have already brought her the gospel at the hospital and she has accepted Jesus;

2) Jesus Christ has already visited many people in person (親自), just like the case of the head witch doctor.  Jesus visited many Muslims in Middle East countries or some Muslim countries in Asia.  Those Muslims were converted through the dreams or visions by Jesus Himselve.

//在禱告中 my parent清楚看見主帶了my relative從病房離開,到了光明的地方//

I think that if your parent saw such vision in front of your pastor, I am convinced that it is from the Holy Spirit.

By the way, I brought out the information of the witch doctor because a sister in Christ commented about two months ago that the divine healing by Rev. Philip Mantofa was not a real one. In this case, Jesus Christ has pointed out to the witch doctor that he should repent and go to Philip Mantofa's church and got baptized in water.  Therefore, the gift of healing operated by Rev. Philip Mantofa is come from the Holy Spirit; not a counterfeit 偽造的 from the devil or a 假冒的 by Philip.

God bless!


回應 (6)
2010/05/11 08:43:57 回覆

你相信誰所傳的呢? -作者:查思博牧師










2010/05/10 19:27:53 回覆


Good evening!  God will do things at the right time.  We often do things much earlier or very late.

God bless!


歌林多後書 4: 4-11  ( NIV)

我們有這寶貝在瓦器裡,是要顯明這極大的能力是屬於神,不是出於我們。 8 我們雖然四面受壓,卻沒有壓碎;心裡作難,卻不至絕望, 9 受到迫害,卻沒有被丟棄;打倒了,卻不至死亡 10 我們身上常常帶著耶穌的死,好讓耶穌的生也在我們的身上顯明出來。 11 我們這些活著的人,為耶穌的緣故常常被人置於死地,好讓耶穌的生也在我們必死的身上顯明出來。

2010/05/10 16:51:03 回覆

Brother Frankie,


God will do something when he thinks it is the time to do so.


2010/05/10 09:19:22 回覆


Good morning!

Have a beautiful Monday!

God bless!



立 冬
立 冬 2010/05/09 23:08:03 回覆

