復興特會 2010 at 匯星

2010/07/07 16:42:44 網誌分類: 宗教
07 Jul

復興特會 2010 at 匯星

I have attended a 4-day Christian conference (復興特會 2010) at the end of June 2010 in Star Hall (地點:九龍灣國際展貿中心 3/F 匯星), Kowloon Bay, HK with 1600 Christians in China (內地同工) and 1000 Christians (香港的教牧、弟兄姊妹) from HK.  About 70% of the brothers and sisters in China came from house churches 家庭教會 and 30 % of them are from 三自教會. The conference was organized by Revival Christian Church 基督教復興教會 and 16 other churches in H.K.

Note for this conference: 蒙神帶領,在過去五年的「復興特會」中,我們看見聖靈大能的工作,及神給與教會的時代信息,確實大大的挑旺了眾教會的熱誠。今年我們熱切的盼望,聖靈的風再次吹到我們心裡,讓我們得著能力,將福音傳到地極;讓我們心意更新,作神無瑕疵的兒女.讓聖靈提昇我們到更高更濶的服事。

The meetings are very charismatic 恩靈.  Christians sang loudly and often clapped their hands, lifting up their hands to worship God. I was greatly blessed in this conference.  I have seen the power of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.   On the last day of the conference, there were laying of hands on Christians for the impartation of spritual gifts by the pastors and the speakers.  I observed that about 10 % of the Christians were hit by the power of the Holy Spirit and some of them fell on the floor.

I have heard many testimonies in the conference. I would like to share a few with you.

劉沙崙牧師 is a daughter of Rev. Pastor Dennis Balcombe.  She had類風濕性關節炎She had serious pain at various joints in her body for a long time.  She prayed many years but no healing was occurred.  After her marriage with Rev. LAU, at one stage, she was so painful that she told her husband to have a divorce so that he can find another woman since he was still in young age and has a brilliant future.  Rev. LAU insisted that he loves her no matter she was in sickness or in good health. God asked 沙崙牧師 whether she loved God if no divine healing was taken place.  沙崙 told God that she loves God even God did not heal her sickness. Then they stopped praying for healing of 類風濕性關節炎. Then, one morning, 沙崙 discovered that no more pain at her joints.  Since then, she was totally healed of her 類風濕性關節炎.

Her son had hearing problem at one of his ears.  It was 100% hearing lost one day. They have prayed many times but no healing. God did not heal her boy. One day, a preacher came to Hong Kong to preach in a conference and he/she has the gift of divine healing.  沙崙 and her son attended the conference one day, but the boy was too tired and left the conference in the evening. When they went back home, her mother prayed for the boy before he went to bed.  This time, the hearing of the problematic ear has resumed.  Later, they noticed that somebody at the conference prayed for the boy.  God is so amazing and He still worked miracles among us if we believe that He is a great God.

Our speaker 紀大衛牧師 Rev. David Kiteley is a pastor of a church. His relatives ( a total of 7 generations) served God as pastor or evangelist. Before he was born, his mother was in great sickness and she could not get up to walk. One day, God has sent a prophet to visit David’s mother in a hospital. The prophet said that God has sent me to pray for you although I did not know you.  God said that He will heal you and you will have a son.  He will be a prophet. Besides, your son will have a son when he grew up. Your grandson will be a prophet too in future. After the prayer, the prophet had gone. David’s mother was healed on that day. Later, she gave birth a son who is Rev. David Kiteley.

Rev. Patrick Kiteley is the son of David. 紀柏特牧師 Patrick is the pastor of a church in USA (美國示羅教會主任牧師). He is a gifted pastor and a good preacher, preaching in many countries. He is also a spirit filled pastor and has the gift of prophecy, the gift of knowledge, the gift of healing, etc.  When Patrick was a child, he was very sick one day.  His lung was not functioned properly.  The doctor said that he may die in three days and the chance of survival was 1 over 40.  The doctor of a hospital told Rev. David that they will take off the oxygen supply for this child since the chance was very small. They did not agree to the doctor and they preferred praying for the child. The next day, God send another prophet to the hospital to pray for Patrick. The prophet said that the boy will not die and he will be a prophet in future. After the prayer, the boy was healed totally. The oxygen supply was taken off because the lung was functioned normally.  God is great!  Praise the Lord.



Speakers including:

楊東寶牧師 Dr. Rev. Niko Njotorahardjo

(印尼 伯特利教會 主任牧師)


趙金聖惠博士 Dr. Kim Sunghae Cho

(韓國 韓世大學 校長)


紀大衛牧師 Rev. David Kiteley

(美國 示羅教會 宣教部牧師)


朱植森牧師 Rev. Peter Chu

(台灣 基督教台北真道教會 主任牧師)

2006年頒授神學博士。現任基督教台北真道教會主任牧師、真道聖經學院院長、馬來西亞和撒那聖經學院院長、佳音電台、五餅二魚教牧發展協會的董事、GOOD TV好消息電視頻道、香港的創世電視台之通常講員


(台灣 台北士林靈糧堂 主任牧師)

美國富勒神學院宣教學碩士,GOOD TV好消息電視頻道的講員。19953月,劉群茂牧師夫婦由台北靈糧堂差派,帶領士林靈糧堂進入新紀元,由小組教會轉型為G12小組教會,人數從1995年的一百人增長到2010年將近四千人,並拓植了四間分堂.




復興特會RCTC 2009預告

Pastor Dennis Balcombe (基督教復興教會).

(the father of 劉沙崙牧師 -  愛是不保留 原唱者 )

劉沙崙牧師見證 愛是不保留 原唱者


後退 and 不悔改 Christians.

Some churches believed that 在天堂裡那與神同在的永恆生命是那些相信基督,持守真道之人將來所獲得的部份福氣;那些不悔改 (Christians) 和不相信的人 ( non-Christians) 將被逐遠離主的同在,在地獄裡永受痛苦的刑罰 

希伯來書 3:12-14 弟兄們,你們要小心,免得你們中間有人存著邪惡、不信的心,以致離棄了永活的神 趁著還有叫作“今天”的時候,總要天天互相勸勉,免得你們中間有人受了罪惡的誘惑,心裡就剛硬了。 如果我們把起初的信念堅持到底,就是有分於基督的人了。

希伯來書 6:4-6 因為那些曾經蒙了光照嘗過屬天的恩賜的滋味,與聖靈有分, 並且嘗過神美善的道和來世的權能的人, 如果偏離了正道,就不可能再使他們重新悔改了。因為他們親自把 神的兒子再釘在十字架上,公然羞辱他

希伯來書 10:26-29 如果我們領受了真理的知識以後,還是故意犯罪,就再沒有留下贖罪的祭品了; 只好恐懼地等待著審判,和那快要吞滅眾仇敵的烈火。 如果有人干犯了摩西的律法,憑著兩三個證人,他尚且得不到憐憫而死; 何況是踐踏神的兒子,把那使他成聖的立約的血當作俗物,又侮辱施恩的聖靈的人,你們想想,他不是應該受更嚴厲的刑罰嗎

雅各書 5:19-20  我的弟兄們、你們中間若有失迷真道的、有人使他回轉.這人該知道叫一個罪人從迷路上轉回、便是救一個靈魂不死、並且遮蓋許多的罪。

希 伯來 書10: 38-39我的義人必因信得生,如果他後退,我的心就不喜悅他” 但我們不是那些後退以致滅亡的人,而是有信心以致保全生命的人

彼得後書2:2021 倘若他們因認識主救主耶穌基督、得以脫離世上的污穢、後來又在其中被纏住制伏、他們末後的景況、就比先前更不好了2:21他們曉得義路、竟背棄了傳給他們的聖命、倒不如不曉得為妙.

以西結書:18: 24-26  義人若轉離義行而作罪孽,照著惡人所行一切可憎的事而行,他豈能存活麼?他所行的一切義,都不被紀念,他必因所犯的罪,所行的惡死亡。…義人若轉離義行而作罪孽死亡,他是因所作的罪孽死亡。

If we can bring back a brother or sister who had back-sliding and stopped going to church, stopped reading bible and praying,  we can 救一個靈魂不死His/her soul will not be lost in the eternity if he/she can come back to the Lord and repent.

回應 (3)
2010/07/09 15:42:51 回覆


Have a nice weekend! 


努力﹗加油!     努力﹗加油

2010/07/09 15:24:29 回覆

2010/07/09 08:46:09 回覆

Dear sister XXX,

In the conference, the Lord has touched my heart.  There are many things that the Lord has reminded me to have change and improvement.

The Lord reminded me that I should not look down upon myself 輕看自己. He also reminded me that I have said something wrong unintentionally and sinned against God. God has forgiven me since I was not purposely sinned.

Some encouragement from God: Move forward, work hard, the Lord is waving to me and calling me 前進! 努力呀! 神現在向你招手!     


努力﹗加油!     努力﹗加油!
