讚美之泉 的 敬拜讚美會 on 10 July 2010

2010/07/14 09:54:13 網誌分類: 宗教
14 Jul


I have attended the 讚美之泉 敬拜讚美會 on last Saturday.  The worship was wonderful. There were 8000 Christians worshipping the Lord in this 敬拜讚美會.  This one was the best praise and worship service 敬拜讚美會 that I have attended in the past.  I wept in the middle of a worship song. The pastor 游智婷牧師 said that when people sang this song in the past, there were many Christians weeping.  The song mentioned that the Lord lifted us up from the dirty and muddy pit and put us on the hand of the Lord.  I felt that I was one of them.  I wept with tears streaming down my cheek. My friend and I were seated at the first row. We could see the talented brothers and sisters singing at a very close distance.

When we worshipped and sang to the Lord with the band music stopped, it reached the climax.  I was so touched and 投入in the worship.  Most of us were in high spirit and we lifted up our hands to worship the Lord. My friend told me that at that time, he felt that the Holy Spirit was moving among us. He said that his hands were raised up and set apart by an unseen force. I think that it could be the work of an angel or the Holy Spirit.

Praise the Lord!  I really enjoyed the concert and our worship time.  Thank the Lord for providing me a memorable night and an extremely good seat (first row).

Glory to God!  Praise His holy name.

Frankie, 12 July 2010 







拋開技巧不談,游牧師先著重強調敬拜帶領團隊和被帶領者都要建立正確的敬拜態度——順服、虛心、感恩和寬恕。游牧師表示,這四點都是所有敬拜者長期學習的 課,愈早學習愈好,它們給大家的敬拜注入新的活力。





source: http://www.gospelherald.com/news/cul-13067-0/

source : Photos are from facebook.




There was a gospel meeting held in my church for the elderly people on 11 July in the afternoon.  A famous Chinese opera singer ' 粵曲名伶 紅虹' sang some gospel Chinese opera songs 福音粵曲.  Her mother is the famous singer '紅線女'紅虹是馬師曾與紅線女的女兒.  There were about 1000 people attending the gospel meeting.  May the Lord plant the gospel seeds in their hearts and water them so that they can grow up!   '紅虹' sang very well.  She also sang one song without music. Finally our pastor Helen gave a short sermon and shared her testimony before the meeting ended.

粵曲名伶紅虹福音粵曲佈道會, 紅虹不僅演唱自己填詞的福音粵曲,更將自己信主的心路歷程與全場分享.

Frankie,  12 July 2010


The following is a sharing from a sister in Christ


不知道您會否有同感, 我發覺人隨著年歲的增長, 能夠面對批評的胸襟就越見狹小! 漸漸的因為受不了別人的批評, 也就不想批評別人, 那麼, 久而久之, 人與人之間的相處便變得很表面, 甚至虛假了!

如果有人能夠不顧一切的都要向您作真誠的勸戒, 那人便是您的好友了, 因為可知道對人真誠是需要莫大的勇氣啊! 所以被勸戒的人應好好欣賞好友為自己所付出的那份愛!

好友有如一面鏡子, 那裡會有人站在鏡子前, 看到自己不好看的時候, 責罵鏡子為何把自己照得那麼醜陋的呢!?

感謝主給我們子女的名分!  願主與我們同在!


Dear sister XXX,

Good morning!  I agree with your views.

“An open rebuke 指責 is better than the hidden love”.  However, the motive of this open rebuke must be out of love.  It needs a lot of courage before taking action.

Frankie, 14 July 2010


Some good blog messages in Blog City.


走天路的人Frankie 的見證




My dreams 異夢 from God.




Brothers and sisters in Leeds




The Lord protected me in grave threat or danger



23 Minutes in Hell 地獄, by Bill Wiese



天堂地獄的啟示 by 卡特琳巴斯德牧師



拉撒路 Lazarus , a friend of Jesus



美麗的藝術品 A beautiful art




沈祖堯「沙士英雄憑上帝恩 - 當仰望賜永生的神



Waiting for the Lord – 異象 - 尼亞加拉大瀑布







回應 (11)
2010/07/16 11:12:37 回覆

A very beautiful cloud!  

May your life is above this cloud and is close to the Lord and his grace!

May your life is so beautiful that the Lord gives you good praise and recognition!

Your brother Frankie.

Friends Friendship Comments and Scraps

2010/07/16 10:03:09 回覆

The following is my sharing with a sister in Christ in USA about shaking of hands in some Christian meetings.

Dear sister,

Thank you for your sharing about special/peculiar behaviors in some charismatic (靈恩) meetings/conference or靈恩 churches.  Based on my experience in the past 30 years, I think that the shaking of head/hands, striking by the Holy Spirit and later falling down on the floor, are very common in those meetings.  These people were come under the influence/power of the Holy Spirit and peculiar behaviors were seen.  Some people had visions and some of them were caught up in spirit to Heaven.  I believe that 80% of them are genuine cases. 

I believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit 靈恩are still manifested in our present days on earth although 85-90% of the churches in HK denied their existence (that is a great tragedy).  I must confess that I did not have any spiritual gift as stated in 1 Cor. Chapter 12.  I did not purposely seek spiritual gifts because I knew that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to the believers according to the will of the Holy Spirit and the willingness of the believers to receive them.  Here below are some video clips about divine healing at which you can see people with shaking of hands and falling to the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit.  Some people are afraid of these peculiar behaviors because they are lacking of such experience/knowledge. 

Always remember, we can test the spirit in case of doubt in accordance with the guidelines laid down in the bible (Is Jesus Christ is Lord?; Did Jesus Christ came to earth in the flesh?).

May the Lord Jesus guide you and protect you wherever you go !

Brother Frankie,  16 July 2010

Andres Bisonni Ministries

Miracles in Holy Spirit Crusade in Ecuador!


Andres Bisonni Ministries

Amazing Miracles in Pakistan!


Holy Spirit Crusade and Miracles in Mexico City

Holy Spirit and Miracles in ISRAEL

2010/07/15 15:44:33 回覆

An extract from the book 烈火的洗禮 (Baptize by Blazing Fire #2  Book 2)


Jesus commanded that we never commit the sin of adultery. Among the countless of people going to hell, many of them are adulterers. The Lord had reminded us, "Didn't your church members witness the adulterers tormenting in hell? Adultery is a sin that is very difficult to repent." The Lord hates His people committing spiritual adultery but He also despises people committing physical adultery even more.

Many ministers and church members are deluded in thinking that if they just confess their sins using the name of Jesus, they are absolutely forgiven.
As a result, they continue to commit the same sin, repent again and think they are covered by grace. They trample 踐踏 on grace and do not hesitate to commit the same adulterous sin over and over. The Lord resented their delusion. (Revelation 2:21-23) Before a person comes to Jesus, they do evil out of ignorance. Jesus is very angry that people have accepted Him as their Lord, but continue to sin repeatedly without hesitation. The Lord shouted angrily, "It will be very difficult to forgive ministers who commit adultery in secret. If they do not repent sincerely, they will end up in hell. "

2010/07/15 09:49:53 回覆

給五千人吃飽的神蹟 - 約 翰 福 音 6 



這些事以後,耶穌渡過加利利海,就是提比里亞海。 2 有一大群人,因為看見了他在病人身上所行的神蹟,就跟隨了他。 3 耶穌上了山,同門徒坐在那裡。 4 那時猶太人的逾越節近了。 5 耶穌舉目觀看,見一大群人向他走過來,就對腓力說:我們從哪裡買餅給這些人吃呢?6 他說這話,是要試驗腓力,因他自己早已知道要怎樣作。 7 腓力回答:就算二百銀幣買的餅,每人分一點,也是不夠的。8 有一個門徒,就是西門.彼得的弟弟安得烈,對耶穌說: 9 “這裡有個小孩子,帶著五個大麥餅、兩條魚;只是分給這麼多人,有甚麼用呢?10 耶穌吩咐他們:你們叫眾人坐下。原來那地方的草很多,眾人就坐下,單是男人的數目約有五千。 11 耶穌拿起餅來,祝謝了,就分給坐著的人;分魚也是這樣,都是隨著他們所要的。 12 他們吃飽了之後,耶穌對門徒說:把剩下的零碎收拾起來,免得浪費。13 門徒就把眾人吃剩那五個大麥餅的零碎收拾起來,裝滿了十二個籃子。 14 眾人看見耶穌所行的神蹟,就說:這真是那要到世上來的先知。 

耶穌回答:我實實在在告訴你們,你們找我,不是因為看見了神蹟,而是因為吃了餅又吃飽了。 27 不要為那必朽壞的食物操勞,卻要為那存到永生的食物操勞,就是人子所要賜給你們的,因為人子是父 神所印證的。28 眾人又問他:我們應該作甚麼,才算是作 神的工作呢?29 耶穌回答:信 神所差來的,就是作 神的工了。30 於是他們就說:你要行甚麼神蹟,讓我們看了就信你呢?你到底能作甚麼呢? 31 我們的祖宗在曠野吃過嗎哪,正如經上所記:他把從天上來的食物賜給他們吃。’” 32 耶穌對他們說:我實實在在告訴你們,不是摩西把那從天上來的食物賜給你們,而是我父把天上來的真食物賜給你們 33 因為 神的食物就是從天上降下來,把生命賜給世人的那一位。34 他們對耶穌說:主啊,求你常把這食物賜給我們。

35 耶穌說:我就是生命的食物,到我這裡來的,必定不餓;信我的,永遠不渴。 36 但我告訴你們,你們雖然見了我,還是不信。 37 凡是父賜給我的人,必到我這裡來;到我這裡來的,我決不丟棄他 38 因為我從天上降下來,不是要行自己的意思,而是要行那差我來者的旨意 39 那差我來者的旨意就是:他所賜給我的人,我連一個也不失落,


People who came to follow Jesus were not just looking for the miracle only. They wanted to have bread so as to satisfy their hungry need. Jesus saw their needs and He gave them bread to eat. He also pointed out their spiritual need. He is the bread of life; whoever come to Him will not be starved 飢餓 in their spiritual need.  Jesus also pointed out that we have been chosen by the Heavenly Father. Jesus will never reject us when we come to Him.  He will protect us and guide us so that none of the chosen people will be lost.

Frankie,   15 July 2010  

2010/07/15 09:18:12 回覆

繼成功而來的考驗 -作者:查思博牧師


惟有神斷定:他……使那人升高。 詩篇757









2010/07/14 15:12:58 回覆


歷代志上 13:13-14

所以,大衛沒有把約櫃運到大衛城他自己那裡去,卻轉運到迦特人俄別.以東的家裡去。 14  神的約櫃存放在俄別.以東的家裡三個月,耶和華賜福給俄別以東的家和他的一切

Lesson learnt:  If we can put the throne of God in our heart, the Lord will bless us.

Frankie  14 July 2010


2010/07/14 15:05:44 回覆

Dear Comeball,

Since you want to know more about God, you need to repent and pray to Jesus Christ.  God is calling you. You need to accept Jesus Christ as your saviour and Lord in order to reach God.   Jesus Christ is the only way to God.  Jesus is merciful and He is looking for the lost sheep as the sheep have gone astray.  I was a lost sheep.  I just repented 20 months ago and came back to God.  If you want to do so, please follow the following prayer.




2010/07/14 14:18:13 回覆



2010/07/14 09:59:40 回覆

The following was part of my sharing with a brother on 12 July 2010.

In the bible, Paul taught us to put to death our old man by the power of the Holy Spirit. We should yield to the Holy Spirit daily since we have two laws in us (Romans 7).  I hope that you can understand what I want to say.

God has provide difficult friends and brothers for us in our encounters so that we can be mould and trained to be the kind of person that God wanted us to be.  The lessons are painful and bitter.  However, they are good for us.

The Lord taught us to love our brothers and sisters as much as Jesus has loved us (the fourth kind of love, God’s love, unconditional). Jesus said that love our enemies and pray for those who persecuted us. It is only through these painful lessons that we can grow up.

This morning, the Lord gives me a sharing from a pastor.  I think that it is applicable for you too.  You may have a look for your reference.



The following was part of my sharing with a sister about judging others.

Part of a sharing from a sister:

I also learn from experience though that I misjudged people and could hurt others too. When your mission is clear, stand firm on it and teach.
But the Bible also says,





( James3:1)


Dear sister XXX.

I consider that I am not judging.  To judge a person, that needs an element of juding his/her bad motive.  I did not say that my brother was wrong or right.  (弟兄姐妹的思想動機作不好的,甚至惡意的論斷). To be sensitive to other's criticism is not a healthy attitude ( this is my fatal weakness too). I learnt recently that a dead man will not care what others had said in criticism. We had been crucified with Jesus and we are supposed to be a dead man ( it is no longer we live but Christ live in us ).

We are learning day by day.






