得救- 保羅華許牧師- 一篇講道-紮心、震撼、懊悔、發人深省

2010/07/30 09:26:53 網誌分類: 宗教
30 Jul


Are you a born-again Christian?  If you think that you are one of them, please see the following video clips and check against the contents of this sermon.

得救- 保羅華許牧師


I hope that you can see the 6 video clips.  In the sermon, Rev. Paul mentioned about Billy Graham 葛培理. Billy Graham said that he was satisfied if 5 % of those who have made a decision to follow Jesus at his crusade can finally reach Heaven.  What a big tragedy 悲劇 if it is a fact.

Rev. Paul said that those who are saved can be identified by their fruits and good works (Good works are the evidence 證據 of their faith. The faith will produce good works ).  Those who do the will of the Father God will go to Heaven.  In the course of their life on earth, they will be taught and guided by God.


保羅華許 (Paul Washer) Shocking Message 繁中字幕 1/6


保羅華許(Paul Washer) Shocking Message 繁中字幕 2/6


保羅華許(Paul Washer) Shocking Message 繁中字幕 3/6



保羅華許(Paul Washer) Shocking Message 繁中字幕 4/6


保羅華許(Paul Washer) Shocking Message 繁中字幕 5/6

保羅華許(Paul Washer) Shocking Message 繁中字幕 6/6


Jesus reminded us to enter the narrow gate and the people entering the Kingdom of Heaven were not many.  馬太福音 7:13 你們當進窄門,因為引到滅亡的門是寬的,路是大的,進去的人也多 引到生命的門是窄的,路是小的,找著的人也少Besides, we should enter the Kingdom of Heaven with great effort. 路加福音13:24- 你們應當竭力進窄門Those who hold fast their faith in Jesus Christ until the end will be saved.

In the past 20 months, I leant from various websites that about 30% of the world population are Christian. About 65% of the Americans were Christian in USA. From some unconfirmed sources, it was alleged that there were more than 70 millions of Christians in China.  More than 28% of the people in South Korea are Christian. In Hong Kong, more than 10% of the people are Christian. Besides, many people in Brazil, Philippines, Africa, and other countries in South America were Christian and Catholic. However, the Lord Jesus said that the road to the Kingdom of Heaven is small and few could find this small road.  Jesus also said, not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my father in heaven.’


不是每一個對我說:主啊,主啊!的人,都能進入天國,唯有遵行我天父旨意的人,才能進去。 到那日,必有許多人對我說:主啊,主啊!難道我們沒有奉你的名講道,奉你的名趕鬼,奉你的名行過許多神蹟嗎?’ 但我必向他們聲明:我從來不認識你們;你們這些作惡的人,離開我去吧.

About 30% of the world population are Christian. However, Jesus said that 引到生命的門是窄的,路是小的,找著的人也少 From the logical deduction (合邏輯的推論), it is very likely that many who called themselves Christians may not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  

Do you have the confidence (信心) that you will not be rejected to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?  Do you really know the Lord Jesus?  Do you have a close relationship with Jesus?  Are you living in a sinful life although you go to church every week?  Do you worship God with clean hands and a pure (潔淨的) heart? Are you an obedient child of God and you have followed the teachings of Jesus Christ (遵守他的道)? 

走天路的人 Frankie


The following is an extract from a book named  placebo 第二層天的啟示 

From Howard O. Pittman, who had a near-death experience

on 3 August,1979

後來聖靈告訴我,我所看見那五十個進了天堂的聖徒,是同一個時間在地上死去的。當時還有一千九百五十人也死了,但是二千個人中,只有五十個人來到這裡,另外那些人都到哪裡去了呢?只有百份之二點五的人(2.5%)能上天堂其他百份之九十七點五 (97.5%) 的人都來不到這裡,這不是代表今天整個世界嗎?今天世界上有百份之九十七點五的人,都沒有準備好要迎見上帝,這是多麼令人傷心的一件事:朋友,這也是代表今天的教會,已淪入老底嘉教會的光景。大多數的基督徒都是"口頭上的基督徒",只會說而沒有好行為。我並不是想藉此教訓別人,只是聯想到主耶穌在馬太福音士三章所說的那些比喻,如果你把這一章聖經仔仔細細地讀,就知道每四個人聽福音,就有三個人會把它當成耳邊風,也就是說百份之七十五的人,聽了福音之後根本不會去注意。這些可悲的大多數,丟棄了福音,卻還不知道他們丟棄了何等寶貴的機會。他們受了撒但魔鬼的欺騙,去相信虛假的東西,拒絕接受福音。


請你聽一聽我們今天教會裡的情形,就如同當年老底嘉教會的情形一樣(啟三:14 22) 他們自以為富足,一無所缺,其實他們是可憐、貧窮、愁苦、瞎眼、赤身露體的。請你聽一聽我從天上所得聞的訊息:許多人都以為自己做得很不錯了,其實已淪落到了永遠毀滅的入口處:








回應 (9)
2010/07/31 23:04:57 回覆

The following is a sharing from a sister at Yahoo-blog.


謝謝分享! 真的很好啊! 教我好好反省自己是否真正得救


願主親自在我們的心深處工作, 好讓我們能結好果子......



2010/07/31 00:16:02 回覆

Dear friend, 

什麼叫作朋友。對你百依百順,不指摘你的錯誤, 也不表現他自己個性的,才是朋友嗎?抑或他有他的品味,見解,能豐富你的視野,能提出與你不同看法的,更能做個益友?每次當你看不慣朋友的時候,都請退一步,靜下來想想:如果他真不再那樣,還像不像原來的他。如果他不像原來的他,是不是也就不可愛了

I totally agreed.  Thanks for sharing in your blog.  Good night!


Enjoy Comments and Scraps

2010/07/31 00:14:47 回覆

Sharing from sister Dora,

做個主真正喜悅的信徒, 察驗何為神純全可喜悅的旨意; 要持續的更新生命, 並結出聖靈的果子, 他日主再來時, 必會認出他的信徒來!

讓我們每天都有儆醒的心, 對主的教導既是戰兢又是順服!



Dear sister Dora,

Examine our faith in Jesus and check the fruits of the spirit. 

Always abide in Jesus by loving Him and loving other fellow Christians.  Do what the Father God wanted us to do and follow the teachings of Jesus and other teachings in the bible.  Fear God and hate the evil things.  Be holy as He is holy.

Be ready for the second coming of Jesus.

Have a happy weekend!


2010/07/30 21:22:02 回覆


Thank you for the song "One day".  I like the melody and the lyrics.



2010/07/30 19:46:24 回覆





2010/07/30 17:00:01 回覆


Good afternoon!  Have a happy weekend!

God bless !


xin_38208032512517412131735.jpg picture by yangweiming

2010/07/30 16:24:26 回覆

2010/07/30 13:04:13 回覆

如何能得福 - 作者:查思博牧師







xin_38208032512517412131735.jpg picture by yangweiming

2010/07/30 12:59:26 回覆

歷代志下 7: 12-18

耶和華向所羅門顯現,對他說:我已經聽了你的禱告,也為我自己選擇了這地方作獻祭的殿。 13 如果我使天閉塞不下雨,或吩咐蝗蟲吞吃這地的土產,或差遣瘟疫到我的子民中間來; 14 這稱為我名下的子民,若是謙卑、禱告、尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地 15 現在我的眼睛必張開,我的耳朵必垂聽在這地所發的禱告。 16 現在我揀選了這殿,把它分別為聖,使我的名永遠在這殿中;我的眼和我的心也常常留在那裡。 17 至於你,你若是在我面前行事為人像你的父親大衛所行的那樣,遵行我吩咐你的一切話,謹守我的律例和典章, 18 我就必鞏固你的國位,好像我和你父親大衛所立的約說:你的子孫必不會斷人作君王統治以色列。
