The throne room experience of John Paul Jackson

2010/11/07 00:11:09 網誌分類: 宗教
07 Nov


The throne room experience of John Paul Jackson.

An angel of the Lord appeared to his mother before John Paul Jackson was born. The angel told his mother that the name of the boy shall be called John Paul. The angel also told her mother that she shall have 11-month pregnancy.  The prophecy came true in the end.  John Paul Jackson was a prophet.  Jesus Christ visited him many times.  He is very gifted in dream interpretation.

啟示錄 4 

我觀看,見天上有一道門開著;並且有我第一次聽見的那個好像號筒的聲音,對我說:你上這裡來!我要把以後必定發生的事指示你。2 立刻,我在靈裡,就看見有一個寶座,設立在天上,有一位坐在寶座上。 3 那位坐著的,看來好像碧玉和紅寶石,又有彩虹圍繞著寶座,看來好像綠寶石。 4 寶座的周圍有二十四個座位,上面坐著二十四位長老,身穿白衣,頭戴金冠。

5 有閃電、響聲、雷轟從寶座中發出;又有七枝火炬在寶座前點著,這就是神的七靈。 6 寶座前有一個看來好像水晶的玻璃海。在寶座中間和寶座周圍有四個活物,前後布滿了眼睛。 7 第一個活物像獅子,第二個活物像牛犢,第三個活物的臉面像人,第四個活物像飛鷹。 8 四個活物各有六個翅膀,裡外布滿了眼睛。他們晝夜不停地說:聖哉!聖哉!聖哉!主、全能的神,昔在、今在、以後永在的那一位。9 每逢四個活物把榮耀、尊貴、感謝獻給那坐在寶座上,活到永永遠遠的那一位的時候, 10 二十四位長老就俯伏在坐在寶座上那一位的面前,敬拜那活到永永遠遠的,又把他們的冠冕放在寶座前,說: 11 “主、我們的神,你是配得榮耀、尊貴、權能的,因為你創造了萬有,萬有都是因著你的旨意而存在,而被造的。

歌林多後書 12: 1-6

現在我要說說主的異象和啟示。 2 我認識一個在基督裡的人(Paul),他十四年前被提到第三層天上去。(是帶著身體被提的呢?我不知道,是離開了身體呢?我也不知道,只有神知道。) 3 我認識這個人,(是帶著身體被提,還是在身體以外被提,我都不知道,只有神知道。) 4 他被提到樂園裡去,聽見了難以言喻的話,那是人不可以說的。 5 為了這個人,我要誇口,但為了我自己,除了我的軟弱以外,我沒有可誇的。 6 即使我想誇口,也不算愚妄,因為我要說的是真話。但我閉口不提,免得有人把我看得太高,過於他在我身上所見所聞的。

申命記 4: 9-10

你只要自己謹慎,又要謹守你的心思,免得你忘了你親眼看見的事,又免得這些事在你有生之日離開你的心;總要把這些事傳給你的子子孫孫 10 免得你忘了你在何烈山,站在耶和華你們的 神面前的那天。那時耶和華對我說:你要為我召集眾民,我要叫他們聽我的話,使他們在那地上生活的日子,可以學習敬畏我,又可以教訓自己的兒女。

John Paul Jackson was caught up in the throne room after he heard the sound of a harp.  He described what he saw in the throne room. It was so amazing!

The throne room experience of John Paul Jackson.


別掙扎,只要信 -作者:查思博牧師





We are now saved by grace through faith in Jesus. We are now under grace and no longer required to observe the Law.

The Law will lead us to punishment. We are never able to comply with all the requirements in the Law and up to the high standard of our God.  The purpose of law is to lead us to Jesus who offered us free salvation. We are now living on earth and we are guided by the Holy Spirit to live a life for Jesus.

Frankie,  6 Nov. 2010

Thank the Lord!  Free salvation - by grace and through faith in Jesus Christ.  Live by faith and walk in the Spirit. There is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus, who walk everyday with the spirit of the Lord. The spirit of the Lord gives us life.




Dream interpretation (異夢解釋) John Paul Jackson

回應 (5)
2010/11/08 11:01:21 回覆

The following was a prayer from a sister for Israel.

親愛的天父上帝: 感謝袮! 讚美袮! 我們同心合意要為以色列求平安。 看見那些男、女、老、幼都在兩方衝突的時候受傷,甚至死亡,我們深感悲痛。我們既不明 白為什麼會這樣子,更不知道戰爭是對或錯。 無論如何,我們求神賜予公平和公義。 主啊! 求主施恩憐憫,我們都要為著所有相關的人士禱告,包括: 政府,人民,軍人和恐怖份子。願主的國降臨,願主的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。 願神的臨在來掌管這塊土地,保護士兵和市民不再流血,願主的真理和榮光在黑暗中照亮。 願主的大愛勝過仇恨。 主啊! 求主幫助我作為一個基督徒去支持那些袮支持的人,去祝褔那些袮祝福的人。 我的神啊! 求神拯救以色列。 求神拯救整個地球。 奉主耶穌基督得勝之名求。 阿門!


2010/11/08 09:34:09 回覆

You are a child of God. In Christ, you are blameless. You are beautiful in the sight of God. You are a very rich prince or princess. You are seated with Jesus in Heavenly places. You have the Holy Spirit as a guarantee for heavenly inheritance because you are a child of God. You may have a 3-storey house with a lovely garden full of beautiful flowers. You may have fountains in the garden with singing birds moving around on the heavenly trees. You have Jesus coming to your house and have gatherings at your lovely home with friends, singing and praising Jesus with angels. 

That is your heavenly hope which gives you courage to move on in this life. Always remember, God sees your heart. He loves you. He knows you. He understands you. Father God is longing to see you, a son or a daughter in the big family of God. 


2010/11/08 09:26:36 回覆

站在破口 -作者:查思博牧師 








2010/11/07 22:01:35 回覆


辛班尼 Benny Hinn -香港恩膏特會 2001

The interpreter: 潘文信牧師. Rev. Titus POON

He is a pastor of 華惠神召會觀塘堂

There were many miracles happened at the HK stadium. Spend 50 minutes watching this amazing video clip. However, the video was a bit unclear. It was taken in year 2001.

I think that there were 15 to 20 thousands people attending the conference. People with cancers were healed and their pains were gone on the spot. Some of them felt electricity all over their bodies. I had experienced such electricity feeling 33 years ago in UK. God is great. Miracles are real. This is divine healing. Praise the Lord!

2010/11/07 00:32:08 回覆

Dear Lord Jesus, our good shepherd . We have gone astray . We have lost our way and entangled in the worldly things and was caught in the trap .  Lord Jesus, thank you that you have come and found us. You have set us free.  You have soothed our suffering and alleviated 减轻 the pain.  You cleansed and bandaged our wounds From this day onwards, we will follow you. Listen to your voice and obey your guidance. As you lead, we can find green pastures  and refreshing water at the brook小溪 to nourish 滋养 our soul and feed our hungry body. You are so kind and full of love. Thank you Lord, Amen!



  彩虹之下 wbr- wbr悠然 wbr(转贴)
