IES Q&A: 4000 words limit?

2011/05/02 14:59:14 網誌分類: 專題探究解碼(星島日報)
02 May

I received an interesting question on the word limit of IES, which I think should be of huge interest to many of you working on IES:


below is my reply:

thanks alot for your quality questions. 

appreciate so far your effort and dedication in IES - enjoy it and make it a work of your school life. 

About your question on IES word limit, there is an official answer on it:

- in short - your teacher should not have the rights to deduct the marks from your IES if the no. of words overrun, although officially, 4000 words should be long enough to score the best possible grade. 

Good luck on your pursuit, 

Bosco Sir


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