
2011/10/12 18:08:38 網誌分類: 基督徒生活
12 Oct


  I want to share with you a special incident that happened on last Sunday.

 I went to the prophet 先知 room in my church for prayer last Sunday at about 1:00pm.  There were about 10 prophetic people inside the room.  One of them is a member of my cell group.  I know that she has strong prophetic gift. She is sister A.  I came to know her about two months ago.  Therefore I wanted to request prayer from her.  As I was following the queue (排隊等候), I changed my mind and I wanted to request prayer from another sister B inside the room since sister A is my cell group member. It is not good for her to know my spiritual condition if the Holy Spirit tells her about my spiritual condition.  About one to two minutes before I went into the room, I changed my mind again.  I wanted to request prayer from sister A because she is my targeted prophet since 2 hours ago.  Finally, I went into the room and I approached sister A.  Then I told her that I have two items that I wanted her to pray for Frankie.  One is the area for my improvement in spiritual life and the second is the direction of my future service for the Lord Jesus.   Sister A then told me that she understood my request.  She added that before I went into the prophet room and I was queuing outside the room, God has already told her that Frankie will approach her for prayer and God told her the prophetic words for Frankie.  On hearing that, I was shock 震驚.  God knows that Frankie will approach sister A and God told her before I went into the room.  God knows our heart and He knows our thought before we do anything.  It took a few hours for me to settle down after this incident. 

耶和華這樣說:你們口裡所說、心中所想的,我都知道。 以西結書 11:5
God knows the thoughts in our heart. This was my encounter on last Sunday. That was beyond human understanding. His way is higher than our way. His thought is not our thought. His love for us is beyond comparison. Praise His name!

God is good and He loves His children.   Frankie, 12 Oct 2011

 13916 我未成形的身體,你的眼睛早已看見;為我所定的日子,我還未度過一日,都完全記在你的冊上了. 

羅馬書 8:29-30  29.因為神預先知道的人,他就預先命定他們和他兒子的形象一模一樣,使他的兒子在許多弟兄中作長子, 30他預先命定的人,又呼召他們;所召來的人,又稱他們為義;所稱為義的人,又使他們得榮耀。



I found that it is useful for me to listen to some soft music and then enter into a secret garden.  We can talk to Father God and the Lord Jesus.  This morning, I wept because I found that God has so much desire to be with us and yet, we have little time for Him. Frankie has no patience to wait for the Lord. 

In the past two days, I learnt that God wants us to have good character and a beautiful Christ-like life rather than have busy service for Him.  Besides,

I have learnt two things on 9 Oct 2011.
A . God demands: 

1. use our heart to worship God and communicate with Him;
2. enter the secret room/garden and meet God. 

B. God knows the thoughts in our heart.
耶和華這樣說:你們口裡所說、心中所想的,我都知道。 以西結書
God knows the thoughts in our heart. I just have such encounter on last Sunday. That is beyond human understanding. His way is higher than our way. 

His thought is not our thought. His love for us is beyond comparison.

 Praise His name! 

Frankie, 10 Oct 2011 




回應 (2)
2011/10/13 17:01:27 回覆

A sharing from a sister in China

看到你的信,我很感動,非常感謝Frankie.謝謝主在我軟弱之時,讓兄長般的Frankie 對我說:耶和華這樣說:你們口裡所說、心中所想的,我都知道是的,我心中所思所想衪全然曉得。因為衪是我的神!讓我知道神為什麼要預備肢體,就是在天國的路上彼此幫扶,共走天路!感謝讚美至高的神!榮耀歸神!


2011/10/12 18:53:13 回覆

試探臨到 -作者:查思博牧師;遮掩自己罪過的,必不亨通。箴言28:13
