
Political gamble backfired

2011/11/17 08:43:17 網誌分類: 生活
17 Nov
          Some politicians who were trounced in the District Council elections tried to play the blame game. They pointed fingers at each other instead of owning up to their mistakes. When the public did not buy their excuses they had to eat their words. To trounce someone means to defeat someone heavily. The blame game means when everyone blames each other instead of accepting responsibility for mistakes. The Civic Party played the blame game after doing badly in the elections. It blamed the Liberal Party for telling lies about the Civic Party.

          People Power also played the blame game by pointing fingers at the media for causing it to lose the elections. To point fingers is an expression that means to accuse people. To own up means to admit or to accept responsibility for a mistake. To eat your words means to admit that something you said was wrong.

          Civic Party leader Alan Leong Kah-kit had to eat his words after blaming others for his party's trouncing in the elections. It took guts for Leong to finally own up that his party had only itself to blame for the defeat. Wong Yuk-man and Albert Chan Wai-yip of People Power also owned up that their political gamble had failed. Political gamble means taking a political risk. People Power took a big political gamble by using the elections to punish the Democratic Party for supporting the government's political reform package. The political gamble backfired. The word backfire has several meanings but when used this way it means having a bad and opposite outcome to what was expected. People Power had expected voters to support its political gamble to punish the Democratic Party. But the voters did not. That means the plan backfired.

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        某些在區議會選舉中大敗(trounced)的政治人物互相抱怨(blame game),他們沒有承認(owning up)過錯,反而互相指責(pointed fingers)。當市民不接受他們的解釋,他們得承認說錯話(eat their words)。Trounce解重重擊敗。Blame game解互相埋怨,而非承擔犯錯的責任。公民黨在選舉失利後互相埋怨(blame game),抱怨被自由黨抹黑。

          人民力量在傳媒跟前互相抱怨(blame game)和指責,認為受他人所累才淪為選舉輸家。Point fingers是慣常用語,意思是指責他人。Own up解承認或承擔犯錯的責任。Eat your words解承認說錯話。

          公民黨黨魁梁家傑埋怨他人累及公民黨大敗(trouncing)後,他得承認說錯話(eat his words)。梁有勇氣,最後也承認(own up)公民黨須負上所有責任。人民力量的黃毓民和陳偉業也承認(owned up),他們在政治賭桌(political gamble)鎩羽而歸。Political gamble解冒政治風險。

        民主黨支持政府的政改方案,人民力量透過選舉懲罰民主黨,冒很大的政治風險(political gamble),結果在政治賭桌上事與願違(political gamble backfired)。Backfire有很多意思,但在這裏,它意謂得到比想像差,跟預期相反的結果。人民力量預期選民會支持他們在政治上賭這一注(political gamble),教訓民主黨,但原來選民並不報以投票,那意思是計劃事與願違(backfired)。

        中譯: 利以嘉

        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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