減 A 股泡沫 H 股有可為

2007/06/24 07:05:03 網誌分類: 經濟
24 Jun

文章轉貼自: 經 濟 日報 dated 18 June 2007

在內地股市泡沫要遏難遏,令中央頭痛之際,內地財金高官昨公開表示,〔合格境內機構投資者〕(QDII) 等有助收窄本港國企 H 股與內地 A 股差價,此反映中央正深思,若 H 股與 A 股價的相關性加強,可藉有國際投資者參與的 H 股,平抑內地封閉的 A 股市場的升壓力.

The presistently buoyant (上漲的) mainland stock market has become a
nagging problem to the central government. A mainland finance official  yesterday openly remarked that the Qualified Domestic Institutional  Investors Scheme (QDII) 〔合格境內機構投資者〕would help to narrow the
price differences between the Hong Kong-listed H shares and mainland-listed A shares of the mainland enterprises. It indicates that the central government is mulling over using H shares, which have international investor participation, to relieve the rising  pressure of the closed A share market.

本欄已多番論及,本港股市面向國際,股價更能反映企業在國際間的真正價值.中央應鼓勵內地企業在本港與內地均上市,能藉 H 股與 A 股差價,反映 A 股泡沫有多大.

As we have repeatedly pointed out, our stock market is open to international investors; the stock price of an enterprise listed here is a more accurate gauge of its real value in international standing. The central government should encourage mainland enterprises to seek listing here and in the mainland. The differential between the H shares and A shares is an indication of the magnitude of the A share bubble.

更進一步的是,若能建立 H 股與 A 股套戥機制,更可直接緩減內地股市泡沫.相信正因如此,中央昨公開論及收窄 H 股與 A 股差價問題,反映其在新形勢下,有更大意志克服技術困難.

In a further step, if an arbitrage mechanism (套戥機制) can be set up for the trading of H shares and A shares, it will help deflate the mainland stock market bubble. Probably because of it, the central government yesterday openly talked about the narrowing of the price differences between H shares and A shares. It shows that in this new situation, the central government is more resolved (有更大意志) in overcoming the technical obstacles.

A 股瘋升,亦讓更多內地資金名於港股流通,強化港股深度.

The central government's woe (煩惱) is our opportunity. If a more effective arbitrage mechanism between the two places can be set up, it not only will help to slow down the unbridled rise of A shares, but also allow more mainland capital to come to Hong Kong stocks, enhancing the dynamic of our stock market.

nagging - 形容詞,〔令人煩惱不已的〕如:
He has a number of nagging worries.


mull something over - 慣用語,〔仔細考慮某問題〕如:
I need a few days to mull things over before I decide if I'm taking the job.


unbridled - 形容詞,〔不受約束,不受控制〕如:
Rio's famous Carnival offers most people a chance to indulge in four
days of unbridled reverlry.


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