
2013/01/04 22:09:09 網誌分類: 笑看股海風雲
04 Jan



如果大家記得小弟於2009年和2011年說過新一輪牛市將會於2012年壬辰年催生出來, 那麼, 大家應該記得, 小弟說過這是一個超級大牛市。


上一輪牛市於2007年丁亥年達到高峰, 當時港股的高位是差那麼的一丁點兒, 便到達三萬二。從2012年壬辰年開始的超級大牛市, 應該是超越 32,000 點, 邁向更高位置。不過這是2014年或以後的事情!

至於香港的樓市走向, 小弟於2012年8月19日的網友聚會中曾經說過, 祇要梁振英先生是香港的特首, 香港樓價於2013年必大幅下滑, 短期內難以反彈, 這是他的出身和背景所導致的。

今年1月27日聚會, 將會在這些題目上, 為大家作稍為深入一點的講解。


免責聲明 : 以上網誌內容純屬小弟個人意見分享,並未對任何人士構成邀約或投資建議。小弟亦不會評論任何人士的投資行為、投資組合和買賣情況。任何人士在作出任何投資决定前, 應先行評估財務狀況和承擔風險能力。

回應 (16)
2013/01/05 14:31:16 回覆

金股齊鳴, 樓、金、匯皆升, 那是2014年的事情!


mattock 2013/01/05 14:25:28 回覆




2013/01/05 13:49:44 回覆


2013/01/05 11:40:20 回覆

個人認為香港的樓市除非出現像「沙士」之類的世紀大災害之外、樓價係好難大跌、因為現在有 47%左右的港人手上揸有樓, 若樓價大跌,他們馬上感到自已的資産大貶值, 一定不甘心, 加上政客在幕后慫恿, 他們一定站出來上街示威 ....

現在的政府己經疲於為各式各樣的示威救火, 根本吾想再惹這個火頭 ! 例如: 想將「啟德運動場」移去別處起, 滕出地皮來盖居屋, 本是好事, 但一聽到那些垃圾局少數「逢政府政策必反」的議員反對, 便馬上放弃了, 就可見一斑 ....

若是「樓價大跌」那豈不是要拆翻天, 所以基於這個「政治現實」, 末來香港的樓市只會平稳或只跌幾個百分點 ~

政府現在只能在狹窄的縫間施政, 斬件推出政策, 要增加地皮起居屋都不容易: 在郊區塡海嗎,環保團體反對,在他們眼中雀鳥比人更重要 ! 在空置的細地皮盖樓, 又比團體抗議「屏風樓」甚至連公屋的居民也抗議影響他們的視野 !

怎么辦, 怎么辦 ?

個人認為目前政府應馬上重新實行「租金管制」包括私樓, 工貿樓, 舖位同公屋, 另外取消「緑表」申請居屋, 居屋不準炒, 只能用原價賣返比政府 , 慢慢地舒緩樓價 , 減少反對的聲音 ~


2013/01/05 08:54:40 回覆


今年1月27日聚會, 將會在這些題目上, 為大家作稍為深入一點的講解。

2013/01/05 02:44:51 回覆

It’s Not Too Early to Worry about the End of Fed Easing


In trading circles, it's known as a one-minute heart attack. It's a sudden, unforeseen event that changes the investment landscape in the blink of an eye. And that's exactly what happened Thursday afternoon when the Fed's Open Market Committee (FOMC) released the minutes from its latest meeting.

"It was an amazing reaction," says Dave Lutz, head of ETF trading at Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, in reference to the rate-setting panel's latest vote count that showed an increase in the number of skeptics concerning the efficacy and longevity of the so-called QE (quantitative easing) policy. "I think the big concern was that the QE punchbowl is going to get removed sometime in 2013," he adds in the attached video, compared to prior guidance of that not happening until at least the middle of 2015.

That's a huge difference and, as Lutz points out, it sent shockwaves ''across all asset classes."

This acknowledgement of the inevitable seemed, to me, more like a statement of the obvious, especially since the Fed recently adopted its unemployment and inflation thresholds of 6.6% and 2.5% respectively. As Miller Tabak economic strategist Andrew Wilkinson points out in a note to clients today:

The discussion over the decreasing level of efficiency from the Fed’s buying binge has suddenly opened up the prospect of a chasm between the end of quantitative easing and the onset of monetary tightening. Let us make no mistake about it, there is a big difference between the two: It’s just that very few onlookers were prepared for the opening up of a chasm so soon, which in actual fact was always lurking in the not too distant future.

In the meantime, the normally vague and innocuous Fed minutes have filled a post-fiscal cliff worry void and unleashed a torrent of volatility in places most people typically don't expect to see it, such as in the so-called Treasury Vix (or the Merrill Lynch MOVE Index), which Lutz says has risen 17% in just five days.

Interestingly, it only took a single data point — the December jobs report this morning — to reverse Thursday's heart attack move, but Lutz and traders everywhere are on high alert for a rocky landscape of risk and surprises going forward. Not only from ongoing and anticipated policy spats in Washington over spending cuts and the debt ceiling, but from some far more mundane issues too, such as the annual rotation of voting members of the FOMC.

With the inclusion of regional Fed bank presidents from Chicago and Boston this year, Lutz says "it will be interesting to see the dovish turn that we could see with the composition of the new Fed board."

One thing that Lutz is sure of is that "the markets hate uncertainty," but he concedes that we'll see a lot of it over the next two months.



2013/01/04 23:08:39 回覆

哇...咁要搵多d現金先.  謝博士文章.

2013/01/04 22:50:10 回覆

如果大家報名參加1月27日的聚會, 最好在電郵內留下網上暱稱, 讓小弟多加關注!

2013/01/04 22:47:46 回覆


美股都一樣, 祇是小弟沒有紀錄2007年美股高峰期的指數, 所以用港股作標準給大家參考。

金股齊鳴, 樓、金、匯皆升, 那是2014年的事情!


sinktin 4/1/2013 22:35:04



另外已寄EMAIL參加聚會,...THZ A LOT




2013/01/04 22:44:15 回覆

2013/01/04 22:35:03 回覆



另外已寄EMAIL參加聚會,...THZ A LOT



2013/01/04 22:34:34 回覆



**Dr. 168 the Great**  2013/1/4 22:24:2 

如果2013年買唔到樓, 以後都唔好諗買樓啦!

2013/01/04 22:26:24 回覆

如果2013年買唔到樓, 以後都唔好諗買樓啦!

2013/01/04 22:23:34 回覆

承你貴言啊..... {#icons_cat1}



**Dr. 168 the Great**  2013/1/4 22:16:33 


2013/01/04 22:18:55 回覆


2013/01/04 22:18:05 回覆



