

2013/10/06 21:26:21 網誌分類: 未分類
06 Oct


問:你好!本人正考慮明年到加拿大升讀大學,目標是西門菲莎,剛巧看見閣下有關此大學之文章,希望能解答本人疑問。本人現就讀副學士year 2,主修advertising and creative media,year 1 cgpa3.37, year 2 目標 gpa3.5。另 A-level 中英DD, 2AL:EF,1AS: C (2013重考)。IELTS 7.0。 想請教副學士畢業後到加國是否能插入year3? 以以上成績投考西門菲莎 School of Communication/ School of Contemporary Arts 之 program year 2 or 3 有多少機會?或閣下有否其他適合本人成績、在藝術/設計/媒體傳播方面名氣不錯之Vancouver大學可推介? 十分感謝!



Anita Chung

問:I've been reading your articles in the headline for several months and find that they are very informative. My daughter is now studying F6 in a local school. We are looking for possible opportunities for her to study abroad in case she cannot get into her desired programmes in hk universities next year. She wants to study medicine as her first degree, but competition is keen in hk. According to your suggestion, university of edinburgh and university of glasgow are good universities which will also admit hk students with dse results. But may I ask if they need potential students to fly to uk for interviews ? I understand that Oxford requires students to do so, but Cambridge has al ternative arrangements to allow students not to fly to uk. Moreover graduates from overseas medical schools have to sit for the licensing examination in hk in order to be able to practise here. Did their graduates get through the examination with a reasonable passing rate ? My daughter should be able to get more than 5 for the elective subjects, but competition is also keen in uk and they have quotas for international students. Could you advise us with names of other universities which also provide good medical education while admission is likely to be offered to hk dse students ? Thank you very much for your attention and assistance.






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