

2014/02/20 01:02:41 網誌分類: 未分類
20 Feb


問:I would like to ask 2 things: 1) want to know your comments on CharterHouse School in UK (GCE results) 2) finish the Australian high school (public exams) and come back to Hong Kong University (like CUHK) for the first year study - is it likely and possible?

答:Charterhouse School會考成績於全英私校之中排名19,A-A*的百分率為78%。雖然未至最頂尖,但該校會考成績仍屬優秀。澳洲回流香港讀大學是可行的,但學生於ATAR的成績必須十分出色,達最佳的頭5%才有把握。



問:My son is a form 5 student in HK. He recently received an offer from Dulwich College UK to study grade 12 in SEP2014. My son aims at studying medicine in the future. And he aims at top universities like Oxbridge, UCL, Edinburgh. Is it okay or enough for him to study biology, chemistry, Maths and further maths in a-level? As he didn't take Physics as an elective in HK, the UK school doesn't prefer him to take physics in GCE-alevel and it claimed that many students can still get into the faculty of medicine with the above four subjects. Is it true? Secondly, is Dulwich College a good school that can assist their students to enter top universities in UK? Thirdly, can my son apply medicine in HKU and CUHK with the four subjects mentioned above? Will HKU reject the application just because my son didn't take physics?



問:本人小兒現於英國 Fulneck School 就讀 Year 11, (Phys - A, Chem - C, Bio - B, Eng – D), 欲於2014-15 (A-level)轉讀質素水平較好的A工廠學校, 但由於英文科較差及經濟預算限制關係, 大概七千至八千磅左右的有何選擇? 現試考了Kimbolton School, Truro School, 一月下旬才會有通知, 往後如何部署? 聽說有些政府大專學校會比較相宜, 模式是否與 Boarding School 有何分別? Hartpury College, Brockenhurst College 有何評價? 有否其他選擇?




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