
覆Mrs. Kan, 周太太

2014/11/14 23:44:39 網誌分類: 未分類
14 Nov

Mrs. Kan

問:My daughter just got the DSE result with 21 marks (all got 4 and econ with 5) and so the scores for both 4+1 or best 5 are 21. She wants to study business management. Her jupas choice are Cityu, BU and LU, all for BBA.  Right now, she has got offered in Hang Seng school of management.  I am also aware that Shu Yan business subject hv longer history and so would be a better choice. She studied bio, chem.  Pls adv. is it better to enroll Shu Yan instead of Heng Seng? pls also note that she has also got offer from Cardiff University in UK for  BBA as well.   Which is a better choice? My daughter got the offer from Lancaster u for business studies now. Is it a good school and if her will is to work in bank, is it a good choice.  Note: her DSE mark is 21.  Comparing studying in Lingnan in HK, can she get the privilege over HK graduates.


: Shu Yan is better than hangseng business school but of course Cardiff is the best among these three. Lancaster商科全英排名第七具有不錯的實力筆者會建議你女兒出外開眼界同時提升社交解難自理等能力至於能否比本地畢業生優悅事實上這種比較並不實際能否比人優勝最終都是視乎個人能力與性格



問:本人之女兒今年九月往英國寄宿學校就讀A Level Lower 6原本選修Business Studies, 但校方以報讀人數太少要她轉讀 Applied Business. 但她因希望以A Level 成績回港讀大學担心這科在香港不是主流科目在報讀香港的大學(e.g.HKU, CU, HKUST) 時不被認可請問是否屬實


: 除非是一些專業學科如醫學港大中大收生都不會要求學生選修指定科目只要成績好整體能力適合本港大學校方就會考慮






電郵: mbcheung123@gmail.com


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