
2007/11/19 12:08:28 網誌分類: 雙語趣味
19 Nov

Thousands of investors rubbed their hands in glee yesterday watching the stock price of Alibaba.com nearly triple from its offer price on its first trading day……(The Standard, 2007/11/7)

一個人注視著一些東西,如上升的股價、貴重的禮物甚至 美女,感到興奮時,不單喜上眉梢,更會不自覺雙手交疊,摩娑互搓(嚴重者更會流口水),這種情態可以用rub one’s hands in/with glee來形容。Rub是「磨擦」,rub one’s hands好像「摩拳擦掌」,但這通常用來形容「躍躍欲試」的心態,帶不出in glee的心情——glee是「開心」、「高興」之意,也可形容幸災樂禍那種黑心的快慰:

She couldn’t disguise her glee at their embarrassment. (牛津高階英語辭典)

如 果阿里巴巴真的變了「阿里媽媽」,於首日大跌,抽不到的散戶一定也conldn’t disguise their glee。說起來,散戶的英文是甚麼呢?散工/雜工的英文是odd jobs,因odd有「不常有/不經常」之意,那麼散戶是不是odd investors?這就很odd了,因為odd也有「怪怪」之意,odd investors豈不變成「怪戶」?不如先看例句:

Institutional investors and retail punters, ranging from housewives to retirees, watched with amazement as trading screens flashed the price for the stock, which rocketed 192.6 percent to close at HK$39.5, up HK$26. (The Standard, 2007/11/7)

retail是「零售」,大家也不感陌生。將股票放到市場出售給散戶,也是另類零售,所以散戶 的英文是retail investors。上句的punter是英式英文常用的俗語,解作「顧客」、「購物者」——「客仔」是也,故散戶可寫作retail punters,但遠不及investors常用。Institutional investors則是「機構投資者」,即銀行、基金公司等投資股票市場的機構,俗稱的「大戶」是也。


Alibaba.com lost 17.5 percent to HK$32.60 on its second trading day as investors pocketed profits after the stock nearly tripled on debut. (The Standard, 2007/11/8)

我們都知道pocket是「袋子」的意思,轉為動詞,則引伸為「放進袋中」、「袋錢」之意,所以pocket profits就是把獲利「袋隱」。再看一例:

He regularly charges passengers more than the normal fare and pockets the difference. (牛津高階英語辭典)

常聽人說「食個差價」,「將差價袋袋平安」,可以如上例般說成pocket the difference。

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