
Editorial Independence

2015/08/13 08:41:55 網誌分類: 生活
13 Aug
         What is editorial independence? Many Hong Kong people do not understand its true meaning. There is a perception among many Hong Kong people that editorial independence is synonymous with being anti-government or anti-China. These people believe that only media organizations that constantly (always) criticize the Hong Kong and central governments and support the opposition camp are editorially independent. They believe that newspapers, TV stations, and radio stations which sometimes support the government and criticize the opposition camp are not editorially independent and are under political pressure. This perception of editorial independence is spread mostly by the democracy camp and journalists themselves. But this definition of editorial independence is totally misguided.

          My long-time friend Leung Ka-wing, who was appointed Director of Broadcasting last week, will have a difficult time dealing with this misguided perception of editorial independence. On his first day at work at Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), he held a press conference during which reporters demanded to know if he would protect editorial independence at RTHK. They asked him how he would resist (withstand) political pressure from the government. Not one reporter asked him how he would also resist pressure to support the opposition camp. True editorial independence means resisting pressure from all sides, not just from the government. It is misguided to think that Apple Daily is editorially independent because it always criticizes the Hong Kong and central governments and always supports the opposition camp. It is also misguided to think that ATV or TVB are not editorially independent because they take a middle ground and do not automatically say that the opposition camp is always right.

          A perception is a belief or opinion or the way people think or understand something. The word “synonymous” means the same as. The word “misguided” means wrong, erroneous, or having inaccurate reasoning. Leung Ka-wing is a fair and experienced journalist. He must try to resist pressure from the government but also from the opposition camp and from RTHK reporters who want to support the democracy camp. He must remember that being editorially independent does not mean making RTHK become like Apple Daily. True editorial independence means daring to criticize and praise all sides.




          Perception 就是一種觀念、想法或是人們思考或理解某事的方式。Synonymous 意即同義或等同。Misguided 解作錯誤的或不準確的理解。梁家榮是秉公行事的資深新聞工作者。他必定努力抵抗來自政府、反對派,甚或那些想支持民主派的港台記者的壓力。他定必記得,編採自主的意思不是要令港台變得像《蘋果日報》一樣。真正的編採自主,意思是敢於批評和讚譽各方。


          *許多讀者提議我在專欄中包含讀音,我的編輯終於找到法子了。由今日開始,我的專欄會加上 QR code,你只須用手機掃描 QR code,就可以聆聽我朗讀專欄的錄音。希望這能幫助大家改善英文字詞的發音。mickchug@gmail.com


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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