
“state of sky”???

2015/10/13 08:41:16 網誌分類: 生活
13 Oct
         The Hong Kong Observatory’s English website recently started using the word “state” in some of its weather forecasts. There are numerous ways to use the word “state” because it has many meanings. But the Hong Kong Observatory is using it in a funny way that made me laugh when I first saw it. Other native English speakers also laughed when I told them about it. Fluent English speakers would not use the word “state” in the way the Hong Kong Observatory used it last week in its 9-day weather forecast. The Observatory said in its weather forecast: With the rainbands which affected the coast of Guangdong weakening, the state of sky over the region will improve in the next couple of days.

         The word “state” used in the way the Observatory incorrectly used it means the condition of something. I think the Observatory meant the weather condition will improve and there will be clearer skies when the rainbands weaken. But native English speakers would not say “state of sky” to describe weather conditions. Weather bureaus in the US or Britain do not use “state of sky” to describe weather conditions. They will usually say “clear skies”, “cloudy skies”, or “hazy skies”. The Hong Kong Observatory could have said: With rainbands which affected the coast of Guangdong weakening, there will be clearer skies in the next couple of days.

         Even though it is incorrect to say “state of sky” to describe the condition of the sky, it is very common to use expressions such as “state of mind”, “state of health”, and “state of panic”. Your “state of mind” means your mood or the way you are thinking or feeling at a particular time. You can be in a bad “state of mind” or a happy “state of mind”. Your “state of health” is the condition of your health. If you are in a “state of panic”, it means you have a sudden strong feeling of fear or anxiety that prevents you from thinking clearly.


         香港天文台網站英語版最近在某些天氣預報中,開始用上“state”這個字。“State” 可有許多用法,因為它包含許多的意思。但香港天文台卻用得很古怪,令我第一次見到時不禁笑了出來。當我告知其他以英語為母語的人時,他們也都笑了。說流利英語的人,不會以香港天文台上星期九天天氣預報的用法來用“state”這個字。天文台在天氣預報中說:隨着影響廣東沿岸的雨帶減弱,未來一兩日該區天色(state of sky)將會好轉。

         天文台錯誤使用的這個“state”字,在這裏的意思是指某事物的狀況。我認為天文台的意思是,天氣狀況將會轉好,雨帶減弱時會帶來更晴朗的天氣。然而,以英語為母語的人,不會用“state of sky”去形容天氣狀況。美國或英國的氣象局都不會用“state of sky”去形容天氣狀況。他們通常會說“clear skies”(晴天)、“cloudy skies”(陰天)或 “hazy skies”(有薄霧的天氣)。香港天文台應該這樣說:隨着影響廣東沿岸的雨帶減弱,未來一兩日將有更晴朗的天氣(clearer skies)。

         雖然用“state of sky”去形容天氣狀況是錯的,但習語如“state of mind”、“state of health”和“state of panic”就很常用。你的“state of mind”是指你的心情或者你在某時某刻的心理狀況。你可以處於糟糕的“state of mind”或者快樂的“state of mind”。你的“state of health”就是你的身體狀況。若你處於“state of panic”,即是說你在恐慌狀態中,令你不能清晰地思考。mickchug@gmail.com


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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