

2016/06/21 08:41:18 網誌分類: 生活
21 Jun
        Something funny happened to me last Wednesday when I was travelling on the MTR from Kowloon Tong to Central at around 10 in the morning. I co-host an English-language radio show on RTHK every Wednesday and always travel from Kowloon Tong to my home in Central after the show. The trains are always packed (very full) at this time in the morning. I was holding my iPod with my left hand while listening to music when a middle-aged woman standing very close to me suddenly moved. Her buttocks brushed against my left hand. The buttocks are the two fleshy parts on the back of a person below the waist. Other words for buttocks are “backside” and “bottom”. When you?brush against?something, it means you touch something lightly or softly while moving. People always brush against each other on packed MTR trains or while walking on crowded streets.

          The woman?glared?(looked angrily) at me after her?buttocks brushed against?my hand. She moved away from me as if I had?purposely?(intentionally, deliberately) touched her?buttocks. I wanted to tell her it was her fault because she had moved her?buttocks?but I had not moved my hand, which was holding an iPod. I almost told her that if I had wanted to touch a woman’s?buttocks?on a crowded MTR train, I would have chosen a young, pretty girl and not a middle-aged woman who was not pretty. But I?held my tongue. To hold your tongue means to remain silent or to not say anything.

          I?held my tongue?because I did not want to cause trouble even though it was her fault that her?buttocks brushed against?my hand. I am, of course, not a?sex offender. A?sex offender?is a person who commits sex crimes, such as rape, or touching another person’s breasts,?buttocks, or other parts of the body without that person’s permission. Men have to be extra careful on crowded MTR trains to avoid being mistaken as sex offenders. I was angry at first but later laughed because what had happened was so funny.

        上周三早上大約十時,當我從九龍塘搭港鐵往中環時,一些有趣的事發生在我身上。每逢星期三,我都會在港台跟人合作主持一個英語電台節目,節目完成後總會由九龍塘搭車返中環的家。在早上這個時間,列車通常都是擠滿人的(packed)。我左手拿着iPod、聽着音樂時,一個跟我站得很近的中年女人突然移動,她的臀部(buttocks)輕輕擦過(brushed against)我的左手。Buttocks 就是臀部,“backside”和“bottom”也是指那個部位。當你 brush against something,即是說你輕輕觸碰或者掠過某物。人們在擠迫的(packed)港鐵車廂中,或是在繁忙的街道上,總是無可避免的擦碰(brush against)到對方。

          當她的臀部(buttocks)擦過(brushed against)我的手後,她對我怒目而視(glared)。她從我身邊移開,好像是我故意(purposely)觸碰她的臀部(buttocks)似的。我本想告訴她,這是她的錯,因為是她移動了臀部(buttocks)而我卻沒有動過我那拿着iPod的手。我差點想跟她說,若我要在擠逼的車廂裏碰一個女人的屁股(buttocks),我會選個年輕貌美的,而不是個醜樣的中年女人。但我閉口不言(held my tongue)。To hold your tongue 意思即是保持沉默,甚麼也不說。

          我閉口不言(held my tongue),因為我不想招惹麻煩,雖然那是她的錯,是她的臀部(buttocks)掃過了(brushed against)我的手。我當然不是sex offender。A sex offender 就是性罪犯,觸犯有關性的罪行,例如強姦,或未經許可觸碰他人的胸部、臀部(buttocks)或是身體其他部位。男士在擠擁的港鐵車廂上要格外留神,避免被誤會為性罪犯(sex offenders)。我初時覺得憤怒,但後來發笑了,因為事情實在很滑稽。


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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