

2016/06/23 08:41:16 網誌分類: 生活
23 Jun
         In my previous column I wrote about something funny that happened to me on a crowded MTR train during the morning?rush hour. The expression “rush hour” means the busiest time of the morning or evening when trains are full of people and roads are filled with traffic. A middle-aged woman standing very close to me suddenly moved, causing her?buttocks?to touch my hand. As I explained in my previous column, the?buttocks?are the two fleshy parts on the back of a person below the waist. The middle-aged woman, who was not pretty,?glared?(looked angrily) at me as if I had?intentionally?(deliberately, purposely) touched her?buttocks?even though I had not moved my hand at all.

          That incident made me?wary?of standing close to women, especially young and pretty girls, on crowded MTR trains. The word “wary” used this way means to be careful or cautious about doing something. For example, all parents should teach their young children to be?wary?of talking to?strangers?(people they don’t know) who try to talk to them in the streets. I now try to avoid standing close to women on crowded MTR trains whenever I can. If a train is too full for me to move away from a woman who is standing too close to me, I put my hands in my pockets. This way, no one can accuse me of?intentionally?touching their?buttocks, breasts or other parts of their body.

          I think it is unfair that women can so easily accuse men of?molesting?them but men cannot easily accuse women of molesting?them. To molest someone used this way means to sexually harm others by touching their breasts or buttocks?or by raping them. What if a pretty and young woman standing very close to me on a crowded MTR train touched my?buttocks?or the lower front part of my body between my legs with her hand when she moved? If I accuse her of molesting me, would anyone believe me? I don’t think so but I am sure most men wouldn’t mind at all!

         在上一篇專欄中我寫到,某天早上的繁忙時間(rush hour),在擠逼的港鐵車廂內,一件有趣的事情發生在我身上。習語rush hour是指早上或傍晚的繁忙時間,列車都是擠滿人的,交通嚴重擠塞。一位站得很近我的中年女人突然移動,導致她的臀部(buttocks)碰到我的手。正如我在前一篇文章中解釋過,buttocks就是人的臀部。那位並不漂亮的中年女人對我怒目而視(glared),好像是我刻意(intentionally)碰她的屁股(buttocks)似的,即使我的手沒有動過分毫。


          女人可以這麼輕易地指控男人性騷擾(molesting)她們,男人卻不能輕易指控女人性騷擾(molesting)他們。To molest someone在這裏的意思是性騷擾某人,觸摸其胸部或臀部(buttocks),又或強姦。若是在擁擠的港鐵車廂上,有位站得跟我很近的年輕貌美女子,移動時用手觸摸我的屁股(buttocks)甚或胯下的部位呢?若我指控她性騷擾(molesting)我,有人信嗎?我就認為沒有了,但我相信大部份男士根本不會介意!


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

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