
in stitches

2018/10/04 04:12:55 網誌分類: 生活
04 Oct
          Many people listening to US President Donald Trump’s speech at the United Nations last week were in stitches when he bragged (boasted) his administration had accomplished more in two years than any other administration in the history of his country. Most of those in the audience were leaders of countries who had gone to New York to attend the annual United Nations General Assembly meeting. Trump did not name any past presidents but what he meant was he had achieved more in two years than presidents such as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and even George Washington, who was America’s first president. That’s why the people in the audience, including leaders of other countries, were in stitches.

          Some American and foreign media organizations used the expression “in stitches” to describe the reaction of the audience when Trump bragged about his achievements. The word “stitch” has several meanings. If your shirt is torn, you can use a needle and thread to stitch it back. This means to mend or sew back the shirt. A stitch can also mean a sudden, sharp pain in the side of your body while you are doing strenuous (difficult, tough) exercise such as running very fast. But the expression “in stitches” means uncontrollable laughter. The United Nations audience of world leaders laughed loudly (were in stitches) when Trump boasted that he was better than all other presidents in the history of America.

          Leaders in the audience were in stitches because many don't consider Trump to be America's best president. Many feel he is the worst president in the history of the US. The loud laughter caught Trump off guard. If you are caught off guard, it means you are unprepared, confused, or surprised by something that has happened. But Trump was not off guard for very long. He quickly responded to the audience’s laughter by turning it into a joke. He smiled and said he didn't expect the audience to laugh at his boast but it was OK and he did not mind.


          美國總統特朗普上星期在聯合國演說,當他吹噓(bragged)他的政府在這兩年間的成就,要比美國歷屆的政府都要多時,許多在席上聽着的人都不禁捧腹大笑(in stitches)。大部份聽眾都是各國的領袖,前赴紐約去出席聯合國年度大會。特朗普並沒有指明哪一位歷任總統,但他的意思是,他就任兩年間的政績,已經超越了奧巴馬、克林頓、列根等總統,甚至是美國第一任總統喬治.華盛頓。因此席間的聽眾,包括其他各國的領袖,都大笑不止(in stitches)。

          當特朗普吹噓(bragged)他的成就時,有些美國和外國的傳媒機構便用了“in stitches”一語去形容聽眾的反應。Stitch有幾個意思,當你的襯衫撕裂了,你可以用針線去stitch it back ,就是把它縫合上。A stitch也可以解作肋部突然劇痛,就是當你進行劇烈的(strenuous)運動如快跑時出現的岔氣。然而,習語“in stitches”是指笑不可支。當特朗普自誇他比美國歷任所有總統都要優勝時,聯合國在席的那些世界領袖們就不禁捧腹大笑(in stitches)了。

          席間的領袖們都大笑不止(in stitches),因為許多人都不認為特朗普是美國最好的總統,許多人甚至認為他是美國史上最差的總統。那響亮的笑聲實在令特朗普猝不及防(off guard),若你被 caught off guard,即是說你對某事的發生毫無準備,感到困惑或驚訝。然而,特朗普措手不及(off guard)也不是持續了很久的時間。他迅速回應聽眾的笑聲,將之變為一個笑話。他微笑並說,他沒料到觀眾會對他的自誇發笑,但沒關係,他並不介意。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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