
low carb diet

2019/01/15 04:12:47 網誌分類: 生活
15 Jan
          Over the past few months my belly (stomach) has grown a lot. At first, I didn’t notice even though it became harder for me to button my pants (trousers). Some viewers of my TV show asked if I had put on weight. It was very embarrassing. I took all my pants to a tailor to enlarge the waist. Compared to obese (fat, overweight) people, my pot belly (fat stomach) is not that big but what makes it look big is that I am not a fat person except for my belly. Over a year ago, I wrote that I had started a low carb diet. The word “carb” is short for carbohydrate.

          A low carb diet means I cannot eat rice, bread, pasta, cakes, potatoes, and sugar because they have a lot of carbohydrates. I can only eat meat, fish, green vegetables, and low-sugar fruit such as strawberries. I tried the low carb diet for several weeks but then succumbed. To succumb means to surrender, accept defeat, or lose the determination to achieve something. I succumbed because I really enjoy eating potato chips with martinis, whiskey, or wine while watching TV in the evenings. I often gorge myself on potato chips. The word “gorge” has several meanings but used this way it means to eat a large amount in a greedy way.

          Gorging on potato chips, French fries, bread, and other carbohydrates has made me ashamed of my pot belly. I decided last week to re-start my low carb diet. I have not eaten potato chips, bread, and other carbohydrates for a week now. My next step is to drink less alcohol even though alcohol such as whiskey and vodka has no carbs but has calories. Wine has a small amount of carbohydrates. A strict low carb diet is called a ketogenic (keto for short) diet. This allows only 20 grams of carbs a day. A keto diet reduces carbs so much that the body starts to burn fat instead. A keto diet is too tough for me. I will follow a low carb diet which allows 50 grams a day. This time I will not succumb.


          在過去幾個月,我的腹部(belly)脹大了不少。起初我自己也不為意,即使我扣上褲(pants)頭比從前困難了。一些看我電視節目的觀眾問我是否發福了。這真是尷尬死了。我拿了我所有的褲子(pants)到一個裁縫那裏去將褲子的腰圍改寬。相比起癡肥(obese)人士,我的大肚腩(pot belly)還沒那麼大,但它看起來很大,正正因為我不是個胖子,只有肚腩(belly)凸了出來。超過一年前,我曾寫過我開始了一個低碳飲食(low carb diet)。「碳」“carb”就是碳水化合物(carbohydrate)的簡寫。

          低碳飲食(low carb diet)是指我不能吃飯、麵包、意大利麵食、蛋糕、薯仔和糖,因為他們都含有極多的碳水化合物(carbohydrates)。我只能吃肉類、魚、綠色蔬菜,以及低糖的水果如士多啤梨。我嘗試過低碳飲食(low carb diet)數周,但最終屈服而放棄了(succumbed)。To succumb的意思是屈服、承認失敗,或失去了完成某事的決心。我熬不過去(succumbed)是因為我真的很喜歡在傍晚一邊看電視,一邊吃薯片、喝馬天尼、威士忌或酒。我不時會狼吞虎嚥地(gorge)吃薯片。Gorge有幾個意思,在這裏是指狼吞虎嚥、貪婪地吃很多。

          狼吞虎嚥地(gorging)吃薯片、薯條、麵包和其他澱粉質(carbohydrates)食物,令我對於自己的大肚腩(pot belly)更感羞愧。我上星期決定重新開始我的低碳飲食(low carb diet),至今已有一個星期沒有吃過薯片、麵包和其他澱粉質(carbohydrates)了。我的下一步就是少喝些酒,即使像威士忌或伏特加這些酒類並沒有碳水化合物,但仍有卡路里;葡萄酒就有小量的碳水化合物(carbohydrates)。嚴格的低碳飲食(low carb diet)稱為生酮(ketogenic,簡寫是keto)飲食,僅容許一天攝取二十克的碳水化合物(carbs)。

          生酮(keto)飲食減少吸收碳水化合物(carbs),令身體轉而開始燃燒脂肪。生酮(keto)飲食對我來說太難了。我會依隨低碳飲食(low carb diet),它容許一天攝取五十克的碳水化合物。這一次我不會再屈服而放棄(succumb)的了。




        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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