
without rhyme

2019/02/19 04:12:27 網誌分類: 生活
19 Feb
         It seems to me our government often makes policies without rhyme or reason. A clear example is the government’s proposed law to ban e-cigarettes. The new law does not make it illegal for people to smoke e-cigarettes, but it will be illegal to sell or import e-cigarettes. Even tourists cannot bring in an e-cigarette for personal use. The government believes by banning the sale and import of e-cigarettes, vapers will be forced to kick the habit because they will no longer be able to replace their existing e-cigarette. To me, such a policy has no rhyme or reason. If something is without rhyme or reason, it means it has no clear logic, or it doesn’t make sense.

          An e-cigarette is a short word for an electronic cigarette. A vaper is a person who smokes e-cigarettes. It comes from the word “vape”, which means inhaling the vapor from an e-cigarette. To kick the habit means to stop doing something harmful that you have done for a long time. For example, if you are a long-time drug user but are trying to stop, then you are trying to kick the habit. The law to ban e-cigarettes is without rhyme or reason because buying, selling, and importing cigarettes remain legal. Many experts agree e-cigarettes are less harmful than actual cigarettes, and some surveys show e-cigarettes help smokers kick the habit of smoking.

          There is no logic to banning e-cigarettes when the government long ago encouraged people to drink alcohol by removing all taxes for wine and beer. Doctors agree drinking is also harmful to health. It is without rhyme or reason that the government will ban e-cigarettes but not hookahs (water pipes), which are available in Lan Kwai Fong and other bars. Many studies show smoking a hookah is as harmful as smoking a cigarette. I oppose all kinds of smoking. I just want to point out the government’s policy on e-cigarettes is without rhyme or reason.


         在我看來,我們的政府常常莫名其妙的(without rhyme or reason)制訂政策,一個明顯的例子就是政府禁電子煙(e-cigarettes)的法案。在新法下,吸食電子煙(e-cigarettes)的人仍是合法的,但售賣和進口電子煙(e-cigarettes)就將會違法。即使是遊客帶一根電子煙(e-cigarette)進港作為自用,也不可以。政府相信,禁止售賣與進口電子煙(e-cigarettes),電子煙使用者(vapers)就會被迫戒除惡習(kick the habit),因為他們再不能用甚麼來替代他們現有的電子煙(e-cigarette)。對我來說,這樣的政策是毫無道理(no rhyme or reason)可言的。若某事是 without rhyme or reason,即是說它沒有邏輯可言,又或它根本不成理。

          E-cigarette是電子煙 electronic cigarette的簡寫。A vaper就是吸食電子煙(e-cigarettes)的人,此字來自“vape”一字,意思是吸入電子煙(e-cigarette)的蒸汽。To kick the habit意思就是改掉長久以來的壞習慣。例如,若你是個長期吸毒者,現正嘗試戒毒,那你就在嘗試kick the habit。禁止電子煙(e-cigarettes)的法例毫無道理(without rhyme or reason)可言,因為買賣及進口香煙仍是合法的。許多專家也認為電子煙(e-cigarettes)較真煙的危害為小,另外亦有些調查顯示,電子煙(e-cigarettes)有助吸煙者戒掉吸煙的陋習(kick the habit of smoking)。

          政府多年前豁免葡萄酒和啤酒稅項,鼓勵市民喝酒,現在卻禁止電子煙(e-cigarettes),這是完全不合邏輯的。醫生亦同意,飲酒危害健康。而且,政府禁止電子煙(e-cigarettes),卻不禁止在蘭桂坊和其他酒吧也有供應的水煙(hookahs),是毫無道理的(without rhyme or reason)。許多研究也顯示,吸食水煙(hookah)跟吸煙的危害是一樣的。我反對任何形式的吸煙。我只是想指出,政府對於電子煙(e-cigarettes)的政策簡直是莫名其妙、毫無道理可言(without rhyme or reason)。


        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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