

2019/03/12 04:12:42 網誌分類: 生活
12 Mar
          A biopic about the father of world tennis champions Venus and Serena Williams has caused a lot of controversy in the US. A biopic is a shortened word for a biographical movie, which means a movie about the life of a real person. Filming for the biopic about Richard Williams, the father of Venus and Serena, has not yet begun but there is already a lot of criticism about the actor who will play the role of the father. There is speculation that American movie star Will Smith will play the role of Richard Williams. The choice of Smith as the lead role has caused anger on American social media. Critics accused the biopic’s producers of colorism (colourism in British English).

          The word “colorism” is seldom used outside the US although colorism exists in many countries. It is a relatively new word that differs from the word “racism”. Colorism means discrimination against the skin color of a person from the same race. Colorism mostly happens among people with darker skin. Racism is discrimination against people from a different race, not against people from the same race. But Hong Kong is unusual because there is some racism against mainland Chinese even though Hong Kong people and mainland Chinese are from the same race. The biopic about the father of American tennis stars Venus and Serena is called King Richard because the name of their father is Richard Williams.

          Will Smith is a black American, just like Richard Williams and his daughters Venus and Serena. But his skin color is not as dark as Richard Williams. Critics accused the biopic’s producers of colorism by trying to make the father of Venus and Serena whiter than he really is. They said a darker actor should play the role of the father. Colorism is also widespread in places such as India, Thailand, and China where people discriminate against people from their own race because of darker skin color. These people should understand we are all the same regardless of our race or skin color.


          一部關於世界網球冠軍雲露絲與莎蓮娜威廉絲之父的傳記片(biopic),在美國掀起很大的爭議。Biopic就是biographical movie的簡寫,即是關於真實人物生平的傳記電影。這套關於雲露絲與莎蓮娜父親理察威廉斯的傳記片(biopic)還未開始拍攝,關乎父親這個角色的選角問題,已經惹來很多批評。

          有揣測指美國電影明星威爾史密斯將會出演理察威廉斯這個角色。挑選史密斯做主角的這個決定,在美國社交媒體上引起公憤。批評者指責傳記片的(biopic’s)監製是膚色主義( colorism,英式英語為 colourism)。








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