
ce up dated news

2008/07/04 07:50:53 網誌分類: christopher eccleston
04 Jul
Thursday, 03 July 2008

Some interesting news from the live action Paramount Pictures G.I. JOE: RISE OF COBRA film came out today. has some news from a source at the European Cinema Expo that reads,

"It would seem that David Murray the original actor picked to play James McCullen AKA Destro is still indeed set to play Destro in the G.I. Joe Movie "Rise Of Cobra".

David Murray will play James McCullen The 1st (The Original Arms Dealer)! He will play a huge part in the telling of the Destro Clan back story and how the "Family" came to don the Menacing Mask." 

So there are TWO Destros in the film?! An ancestor and a descendant.. .AWESOME!

IESB originally broke  the news that David Murray would be starring as Destro and quckly followed up with an exclusive up date that said Murray wouldn't be able to shoot in the United States due to some work VISA issues he experienced. We then exclusively broke the news that Chris Eccleston had been brought into replace him as the metal mask wearing entrepreneur.

I honestly felt really bad for Murray when we found out he wouldn't be able to participate in the film. If the Hisstank news proves true, which it sounds like it should, it's great that he was able to get in there in some capacity. I am assuming he must have shot his scenes while the production was in Prague.

G.I. JOE: RISE OF COBRA opens in theaters August 7, 2009. 

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