輸錢唔緊要, 唔好輸快樂

2009/05/06 16:32:11 網誌分類: 經濟
06 May

loss曾經賺過0.8M, 亦試過輸晒0.8M不突止, 仲要輸突0.3M, 心情差勁, 身家由最多1.3M變成0.2M....經過幾日內心痛苦後, 諗真D, 唔輸都輸左, 可以點?

與其不高興生活, 影響自己, 影響身邊親人, 朋友, 影響工作, 倒不如快快樂樂生活....錢都輸左, 點解仲要輸埋自己既快樂呢, 只要健康既身體, 精神既身體仍在, 可以慢慢搵番D錢, 開心既人生唔一定要有好多錢既....

不過, 錢輸左都要檢討一下自己既投資意識,態度, 技巧, 多得陸SIR教導, 各網友指點, 加上賺取當初失敗既經驗, LOSS身家需然未能去番1.3M, 但努力係公司工作賺錢, 加埋改善左既投資, 而家都有0.6M, 我相信我好快, 一定可以搵番1.3M, 只要我肯努力工作, 忍真檢討自己投資, 同埋保持健康快樂既生活, 我得, 輸錢既朋友都可以....

輸錢唔緊要, 千萬唔好輸埋自己既快樂!!!!

回應 (5)
2009/05/13 14:15:58 回覆

巧茹: 我會努力架, 謝!!

yfong: 當你最窮, 處於最惡劣環境下仍在你身邊既朋友, 親人, 才是真正對你好的; 反之, 當你最好境, 處於最優良環境下你會覺得他們好煩, 可能忠言逆耳....

但損友...........當你最好境, 處於最優良環境下突然在你身邊出現既朋友, 親人, 未必真正對你好的; 他們會對你唯命是從, 令你很高興; 反之, 當你最窮, 處於最惡劣環境下, 他們會消失得無影無踪....

貧窮的人, 是最易找到真正的好友; 富貴的人, 身邊總是多損友, 就算有好友, 正因忠言太多, 都可能被自己趕走......

巧茹與小泡泡 2009/05/09 15:04:56 回覆




2009/05/09 14:32:02 回覆

loss bro

thx for yr blessing.

i hope my eyes and ears are not getting worse, elder has too many problems.  money is not all, it may keep yr health good but can't get it back.  start to keep yr health good.

i always cheated by ppl even my family members.  i still believe all ppl are good by now.  forgive them even they are bad to me because i think there must something behind.  i am ah q.  my friends say i am over good-hearted.  i think i am too soft and stupid and lower eq due to too much protection and living in a closed world like north korea when i am young.  never mind, without money, i get real friends.  i am happy.

i hope before i go, i can repay my debts.  i don't like to owe others, i keep my words. i wish to go japan and buy a small house for my nephew.  i treat her as my daughter.

love yr parents and let them know by words when they still with u.  enjoy a happy mother/father day

2009/05/06 18:35:35 回覆

yfong: 對, 健康及家庭是最重要的, 聽你所講, 我諗你人生起伏比我更大... 好高興你有健康及快樂家庭, 只要努力, 加上快樂既心境, 將來一定美好的....

我也正為購買自己DREAM HOUSE而努力, 雖然而家仲有段距離, 不過我相信我可以 {#icon9}

2009/05/06 17:37:42 回覆

loss bro


i had the same experience as u but my figure is much greater than yr dream house.

i still loss this year and owe ppl money but i hope i will get it back.

however, i win my health and my family.  i am more clear with my future now.

thx for yr sharing.  we support each other. {#icon2}
