Jesus in China 十字架耶穌在中國-B血種

2010/06/12 14:20:56 網誌分類: 宗教
12 Jun

Film 十字架耶穌在中國 - produced by 遠志明

A very good film produced by Rev. 遠志明.  It is worthy

spending 60 minutes to watch this film. The total series is about 4 hours.

This is part 2 (1 hour).

Jesus in China 十字架耶穌在中國-B血種01



Jesus in China 十字架耶穌在中國-B血種02

I was so touched by a brother in Christ.  He was beaten and tortured in Prison because of his faithfulness for God.  He had been in prison for 23 years.  At a certain stage in prison after 12 years, he could not stand the torture any longer.  He planned to commit suicide. He touched a bare electricity conductor at electric bulb connection joint 燈泡接頭.  However, he did not succeed in the attempt as his handcuffs 手銬 redirected part of the electricity to other path.  The prison officer said to him , “ Do you want to threaten 恐嚇 the Chinese Government by committing suicide?".  Finally, this man confessed his sin to God that he did a wrong thing. His action could not bring glory to God. When he prayed, he heard God speaking to him three times in an audible voice,My child, my grace is sufficient for you 孩子呀, 我的恩典是夠你用的. The Lord comforted him.  It was so amazing.

A feed back from a sister in Christ:

這片段同樣觸動我........這位弟兄說明了什麼是"主的恩典夠我們用"。他的一句: "如果早知道會受這樣的苦,我不知道還會否跟從主" (大概意思)。這給我極大的安慰! 神每次量給我們的是恰如其分的,當我們願意的時候,祂會一點一點加上去。當我們唱著"深深愛祢耶穌、深深愛祢耶穌,我愛祢超越生命中的一切"的時候,其實我們不知道自己在唱什麼,也不能保證什麼,可是主就是悅納了、也決定保守我們。雖然他經過掙扎,也曾一度放棄自己,主卻保守了他。讚美主!!



Jesus in China 十字架耶穌在中國- B 血種03



Jesus in China 十字架耶穌在中國- B 血種 04

A lady Mrs. YUEN ( Rev. YUEN Sheung Chum) waited for her husband for more than twenty years. Her husband was locked up in prison for being a pastor.  She had six children to look after. After getting the monthly salary $24, she gave one tenth to the church as offering.  Mrs. YUEN said, ‘ Lord, if these happenings are come from you, I have nothing to say. ( 詩篇: 39:9 因我所遭遇的是出於你、我就默然不語。) Please bless me and my children so that we will not 羞辱 your name  One day they had nothing to eat. Mrs. YUEN prayed to God for food.  The next day in early morning about 6a.m., an unknown 60 years old lady knocked at the door.  Mrs. YUEN opened the door and the old lady said , “ I was directed by the Holy Spirit to give you something and a 麵包 to eat”.   After receiving the bread and a packet, Mrs. YUEN opened the packet.  It was found that there were fifty dollars ( more than two months salary).  When Rev. YUEN was in prison, Mrs. YUEN always received money from unknown sources at regular intervals for 20 years so that she could bring up the children.


Jesus in China 十字架耶穌在中國-B血種05


Jesus in China 十字架耶穌在中國-B血種06

Please go to see part C at the following link:

Jesus in China 十字架耶穌在中國- C 苦杯



主啊,我讚美你,因為你揀選了我,在這茫茫的人海中,是你把我找。主啊,我讚美你,因為你愛了我,你的愛充滿整個宇宙,充滿整個山河,你的愛曾拯救多少人,你的愛曾激勵我們去生活,誰不向你屈身下拜,誰不向你高唱讚歌, 我們偉大的神啊,我們偉大的上帝,是你把我們從塵土中高舉,把我們從塵土中高舉, 說不盡你的慈愛,唱不盡你的公義,在這廣闊的大地上,誰不感謝讚美你

回應 (2)
2010/06/14 07:36:56 回覆


Good morning!


Have a nice day!



2010/06/14 02:02:00 回覆

