
2013/09/01 22:51:49 網誌分類: 影視
01 Sep

總括來說今次這輯007的故事和一般的bond片無異,bond和m夫人的疲態盡露,梔比之下專為bond製造武器的q再不是老人家,而是年輕人,他今次為bond提供了不少線索,至於,反派特務的確是全片最搶的一個角色,他把m夫人殺死,已經是一個高朝,也帶出了ond和m夫人既是上司下屬,還是母子的故事,也許m夫人所講,我們還未淘汰,一個50年的長壽特務片系列,繼續拍出不錯效果絕非易事,正如片尾的字幕所寫:'james band will return',這正令不少忠心bond迷關心,下一套bond片將會在何時面世?臨走前送上今輯的主題曲,由英國歌手adele主唱的sky fall.
sky fall
sung  byadele

This is the end

Hold your breath and count to ten

Feel the earth move and then

Hear my heart burst again


For this is the end

I've drowned and dreamt this moment

So overdue I owe them

Swept away, I'm stolen


Let the sky fall,

When it crumbles

We will stand tall

Face it all together


Let the sky fall,

When it crumbles

We will stand tall

Face it all together

At Skyfall

At Skyfall


Skyfall is where we start

A thousand miles and poles apart

Where worlds collide and days are dark

You may have my number

You can take my name

But you'll never have my heart


Let the sky fall  (Let the sky fall),

When it crumbles  (When it crumbles)

We will stand tall  (We will stand tall)

Face it all together


Let the sky fall  (Let the sky fall),

When it crumbles  (When it crumbles)

We will stand tall  (We will stand tall)

Face it all together

At Skyfall


(Let The Skyfall)

(When it crumbles)

(We will stand tall)

(Let The Skyfall)

(When it crumbles)

(We will stand tall)


Where you go I go

What you see I see

I know I'd never be me

Without the Security of your loving arms

Keeping me from harm

Put your hand in my hand

And we'll stand


Let the sky fall  (Let the sky fall),

When it crumbles  (When it crumbles)

We will stand tall  (We will stand tall)

Face it all together

Let the sky fall  (Let the sky fall),

When it crumbles  (When it crumbles)

We will stand tall  (We will stand tall)

Face it all together

At Skyfall


Let the sky fall

We will stand tall

At Skyfall



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