

2014/12/09 17:32:11 網誌分類: 未分類
09 Dec


問:I have a number of questions regarding schools in Europe and the UK. I attended the seminar on the 2nd of November and as a brief introduction of myself, I am currently going to the Australian International School Hong Kong and am in year 11. I am interested in business psychology and business marketing. I have already looked for a few schools myself regarding marketing, such as the University of Bath, University of Surrey, University of Cardiff and University of Brighton. From that seminar, I am now also interested in the IE University.

Here are the questions in which I would like to ask you:

1. Which university do you think is good for studying business psychology and business marketing?

2. Is Germany a good place to study and do they have English-taught courses?

3. Is Australia a good place to go for university?

4. Are there universities in England that has business psychology as an available course?

5. Is IE University good for psychology? Also, I have left my information with some of the schools that attended the seminar and I have yet to receive a reply from them. Are they meant to send us information about their schools or is it just for their record.


英國的確有院校提供商學及心理學的學士學位,但並不常見。因為如果對心理學有興趣而又想應用於商界者,多會主修工業與組織心理學 Industrial and organizational psychology。而亦有不少人會選擇主修商學,副修心理。雖然條條大路通羅馬,但筆者會建議你先想清楚自己的興趣,從而選出屬於你自己的路徑。Bath屬英國一流學府,商學和心理學都名列前矛。另外你亦可以考慮Glasgow、UCL,兩校心理學系亦出眾;若傾向選商科,St Andrews、Warwick、LSE亦應考慮。




電郵: mbcheung123@gmail.com


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