
A life of debauchery

2016/11/22 08:41:25 網誌分類: 生活
22 Nov
          A picture is worth a thousand words. I have explained this expression before. It means a picture can help you understand things more easily or can send a stronger message than words. Pro-independence advocates (supporters) Yau Wai-ching and Leung Chung-hang have been in the news almost every day for over a month now. There have been many words and pictures about them in the media ever since they used expletives (bad language) and insults against China during their oath-taking(swearing-in) as legislative councillors. A judge last week decided both had not taken their oaths properly and disqualified them as legislative councillors. After the court''s verdict (judge''s decision, ruling) Legislative Council officials asked them to vacate(leave, move out of) their Legco offices.

          Reporters took pictures and videos inside the offices of Yau Wai-ching and Leung Chung-hang. Most Hong Kong people have seen TV footage and newspaper pictures of them but know very little about their lifestyles. The word "lifestyle" means the way in which a person lives. Rich people have very luxurious lifestyles. Overweight people have unhealthy lifestyles. The TV footage and newspaper pictures that showed the inside of the offices of Leung and Yau surprised me.The footage and pictures are worth a thousand words. They helped me to understand the "lifestyles"of the two young people. The TV footage I saw showed a very messy (untidy, disorderly) office. I saw containers of half-eaten fast food, and boxes and rubbish everywhere.

          What surprised me most were the many bottles of alcohol. I saw many empty bottles of wine in a cardboard box. There was also a half-full bottle of a famous and expensive brand of malt whisky. This is a special type of whisky that is more expensive than ordinary whisky. There was also a bottle of bourbon, which is an American whisky. The mainland media"castigated" (severely criticized) Leung and Yau for living a life of debauchery. A life of debauchery means a life of drugs'' sex and too much alcohol. I have never met Leung and Yau but it may be unfair to accuse them of debauchery without clear proof.


          A picture is worth a thousand words. 我從前也解釋過這個習語,它的意思是「一圖勝千言」,一張圖片比言語助你更易於理解事情,或能傳遞出更強而有力的訊息。在過去超過一個月,支持港獨的擁護者(advocates)游蕙禎和梁頌恆差不多天天見報。自從他們宣誓(oath-taking)就任議員期間使用髒話(expletives)和侮辱中國之後,新聞媒體就滿載關於他們的文字和照片。上星期,法官裁定二人未有正確宣誓,取消他們的議員資格。當法庭作出裁決(verdict)後,立法會職員就要求他們撤出(vacate)其立法會大樓的辦公室。

          記者拍下游蕙禎和梁頌恆辦公室內的照片和影片。許多香港人都從電視片段和新聞圖片見過他們,但對他們的生活方式(lifestyles)所知不多。 Lifestyle就是日常生活方式。有錢人過的是奢華的生活方式(lifestyles),過重的人就有不健康的生活方式(lifestyles)。據電視和報章所攝、梁游二人辦公室內的片段和圖片,令我相當訝異。影片和圖片更勝千言萬語(the footage and pictures are worth a thousand words),它們助我了解兩位年輕人的生活方式(lifestyles)。我所見到的電視片段展示了一個非常凌亂(messy)的辦公室,四處都是吃了一半的快餐、紙盒和垃圾。

          最令我意外的是有許多瓶酒,我見到在紙皮盒內有許多酒類的空樽,還有半瓶某知名牌子的貴價麥芽威士忌(malt whisky),它是威士忌的一種,比普通威士忌要昂貴。另有一瓶波本威士忌(bourbon),是美式威士忌的一種。內地媒體嚴厲批評(castigated)梁和游過着驕奢放蕩(debauchery)的生活。 A life of debauchery即是縱情酒色與毒品的生活。我從未見過梁游二人,在沒有具體證據下指責他們活得放蕩(debauchery),未免有欠公允。



        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧


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