
2008/06/10 17:01:07 網誌分類: 賽馬
10 Jun








回應 (2)
2008/06/11 15:59:54 回覆

這做法如在香港實行, 實在有點苛刻 , 不過我覺得香港到底還是會跟這大潮流 , 原因好簡單 , 香港高官有幾可使用公共交通工具 , 而出入慣的高級會所 , 根本已有很多是禁止使用手機 , 他們根本不覺在餐廳/酒吧等公共場使禁止使用手機會帶來什麼影響 ! 

雖然如此, 我也會贊成這做法, 因我也經常受到這問題的騷擾 ! 最特別亦是最討厭的 , 莫過於在電話中爆粗的人士 , 其次就是在公共場所玩手機鈴聲的那類, 大佬, 你選手機鈴聲係ok, 不過細聲d 得唔得 ! 

2008/06/11 14:57:16 回覆


最驚啲的士同小巴司機, 揸緊車猛講電話, 做乘客就好驚!



Bruce K. Paxton
Bruce K. Paxton 2017/07/16

You are absolutely correct. By supporting a lot (as much as possible)

One can ascertain that one will achieve some kind of relative response depending on how co incidental the responsive data is to the attention. If the optimal supportive motivation is relative to the foundation (wether valid or not) a supportive return will follow.

Accuracy is the issue. This is an hypothetical deduction (not quite as comprehensive as educational requirements are about here in North America) but by any of the individuals motive intelligence. Linguistics and vocabulary play the most important part of communication. Gaps of data in verbal communication only provide confusion.

To express anything at all one must work untill one can say what one means in its entirety otherwise       one   will express a peer groups distrust and desire to avoid the issue. The bottom line is to study practical, basic, fundemental, primary, ground level technicalities of domestic level to know for sure   one    is known for sure   and this aspect goes far and beyond the experience of the

 marriage relationship  which is considered by most the most complete education for the poor.    From your good friend Bruce K. Paxton