恒指/道指最新走勢 (16/3/2009)

2009/03/15 21:53:12 網誌分類: 未分類
15 Mar


stephen 兄分析:

From the graph'HSI' The HSI index is now very weak as both of the line SMA(10)(20)(50)(100)股價及相關新聞 股價及相關新聞 &(150)股價及相關新聞 股價及相關新聞 are now in a downward direction and the line of SMA(50)'13200' ,SMA(20) are now too far away. That means, the line SMA(50) will give very high resistance to the index.

Besides, the signal MACD is alway too far away from the '0' point and the area of MACD is very small also now, so, I think that the HSI will not have an enough the rebounding power to go to  the line SMA(50)'13200' at that moment.

It always had a movement below the line SMA(50) during the rebounding when the signal MACD is below the '0' point.

It always had a return when the RSI(14) near a '50' with the signal MACD below '0' point.  As both of the RSI(14) and the signal MACD is below a '0' point now, so I think that the HSI index will have a return on Monday if the Chinese Gov. have not given any good news.

P.s The next target for HSI index will be '12650' '12788',13000'.

 I think that it will be a right time for the index to have a return as it had a about '1500' points rebounding if the index reach a '12800'.

It had a rebounding only a '2000' points before even that the Chinese Gov. hadgiven a 40000億 rescue plan. It always had a return when the index have a '1500' points rebounding before.


From the graph'Dow's index'Both of the line SMA(10)(20)&(50 are all in a downward direction now. It is a weak rebounding. It always had a return when the RSI(14) near a '50' with the signal MACD below a '0' before.

The MACD is now near a '50' with a signal MACD below a '0' now also, that means, the index will have a return.




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