恒指/道指 (25/3/2009)

2009/03/24 19:33:54 網誌分類: 未分類
24 Mar


今次大反彈不但令各大行轉晒口風睇好港股, 連任總都話美國既新措施可扭轉市場頹勢, 前境轉樂觀.


#2628 中國人壽

#1398 工商銀行

#267 中信泰富

#4 九倉

#20 會德豐

#494 利豐

#857 中石油

#3983 中海石油化學

#2356 大新銀行

#511 電視廣播

dai dai Sir 分析:


昨日#2628 中國人壽已升抵1月7日高位$26.15 而回,今日半日出現「襟釘」,可能需要稍回。上阻力$27.7,支持位$24。




HSI  13695  -215.22 

#5  $44.33  -$1.47 

#941  $67.07  -$0.18 

#2628  $25.9  +$0.1 

VIX  42.93  -0.3 

US Dollar Index  83.71  +0.56 

Baltic Dry Index  1773  -9 

Gold US$925.1   Crude Oil  US$53.52  -0.46   Yen 97.87


stephen 兄分析:

From the graph '54' 合和. It always had a return when the RSI(14) was near a '50' before. The RSI(14) is now near a '50' that means it will  have a turning tomorrow.

The target will be '21.73', '22-22.3' only as the line SMA(50)'22.3' is now in a downward direction now so the trend is so weak.

The cut loss/profit taking should be '20.8'.

P.s There is a high resistance at '21.73'.

From the graph '2366' 勤+緣 The rising signal(morning-star) has shown on the grap with a high trading volume today. It had always moved down along the SMA(50) before, However, it can stand on the the SMA(50)'1.26' with a rising signal in a high trading volume, that means it will have a further rising.Besides, the area of the MACD is very big alo. The trend is very well.

By measurement, it will have a rising up to '1.5', or above.

The next target will be '1.38','1.42',1.5' if it can stand on '1.3' or above.

The cut loss point should be '1.28'.



隔晚道指跌 115點, 收報 7660, 以接近全日低位收

恒指低開 155點後, 早段曾一度下跌 223點, 跌至 13687, 隨後跌幅逐步收窄, 半日收市跌 73點, 收報 13837, 成交 298億

恒指收市跌 288點, 收報 13622, 國企跌 96點, 收報 7967, 雙雙以接近全日低位收, 成交 541億

國內股市結束連續七天升市, 跌至全日低位收市, 拖累港股午後跌幅加

港股半日成交金額高達 298億 ~ 昨日 339億(升市), 本週一 295億(升市), 上週五 238億(跌市), 上週四 276億 (升市), 上週三 214億 (升市), 上週二 255億 (跌市), 上週一 237億 (升市)

受惠成品油價格調高刺激, #386 中石化一度急升9%

匯控正股收報 $43.55 (-5%), 匯控供股權收報 $15.28 (-12%) 





門徒 2024/04/25

元帥你睇到乜 {#iconb_61}

soho* 2024/04/25

港股靠阿爺及大媽撐市, 上面有肥熊,貼價牛未出世,大鱷咬住高位唔放



日股收報37,628點 大跌2.16%

韓股收報2628點 大跌1.76%

台股收報19857點 大跌1.36%

門徒 2024/04/25

上面好多 {#iconb_625}

soho* 2024/04/25

今早伸多一腳上山大舉屠熊,QQ亦嚴重超買,恆指去到阻力大位17200-17300, 做夠周波幅史哥沽亦有道理