Making Management Easy

2007/08/12 21:22:12 網誌分類: 哲學
12 Aug

Disputes are everywhere. It might not matter much between sons, daughters and their parents, but those between two very opposite positions, such as between two countries or between employees and their boss, should be dealt with properly, so to result in a win-win solution.


‘The Win-win Solution—Guaranteeing Fair Shares to Everybody’ is a book I borrowed from the public library for some reasons. Just flipping through the first couple of pages, I could acknowledge that win-win solution is always never the case of 50-50 division.


Lovely fellows, let’s read the following clipping from the book together:



Pirates’ Treasure

Before pirates set out on a voyage, they would draw up a code of conduct that everyone was bound to observe, based on the principle ‘no prey, no pay.’ Once a ship was plundered, the captain received an agreed-upon amount for the ship plus a proportion of the cargo, which was measured by shares. But before shares were allocated, salaries were paid to the surgeon (200 to 250 pieces of eight) and the carpenter or shipwright, who mended and rigged the ship (100 to 150) pieces of eight). Next, money was given for recompense of injuries: 600 pieces of eight for loss of the right arm; 500 pieces of eight for loss of the left arm or right leg; 400 pieces of eight for loss of the left leg; and 100 pieces of eight for loss of an eye or a finger. After the disbursement of this medical insurance, the remaining loot was divided into shares, with the captain receiving five or six shares, the master’s mate two shares, and the rest of the crew one share each. Any boys in the crew received half a share It was a strict rule that no person should receive more than his proper due. Indeed, every one had to take a solemn oath that they would not conceal and steal for themselves anything in a captured ship. There were severe penalties for disobedience.


--‘The Win-win Solution—Guaranteeing Fair Shares to Everybody’



Even ‘non-civilised’ pirates could sense the importance of insurance, not to mention how thoughtful the way of compensation in relation to the extent of pirates’ injuries was. The book also recorded another story, about ‘dividing a baby’! Two women claimed they were the baby’s mother themselves, while the truth was eventually known by King Solomon’s idea of ‘dividing the baby into two parts’… As a mother, whom could be so cruel to bear such heart-painfulness? The real mother protested even if she had to give the baby to another woman-- Doubts were all cleared up.


Now comes to the part of ‘less threatening’ family cases. As a late-teen (I regard myself as a late-teen, a teenage girl whom is never very young anymore, while the word ‘adult’ can never express my ideas as a daughter of my parents), like many other late-teens, I wish to move out and leave my parents to have one’s own living, with one’s freedom pursued. In a book called ‘Impact Values’, I copied down the mentioned ideas about whether want to live with parents or not:


1.      Being able to enjoy one’s hobbies

2.      Being free from one’s parents

3.      Keeping one’s own schedule

4.      Having one’s own space

5.      Being able to enjoy travel a lot

6.      Keeping a high standard of living


Who do not wish to achieve the above goals? I think the last dream and the one before it is relatively difficult to come true, as a girl in slight poverty. The previous ones, however, can be adjusted through compromise with our parents. I must fulfill my life with all the 4 colours as fast as possible! Compromise… Mind one’s own temper… Win-win solution… Here I am! Here I do-- Here is Ivina the 'Easy-winner', hahahaha!!!














是篇文章已上存於 意粉之學子劄記 

回應 (3)
2007/08/13 14:45:58 回覆
Long Run benefit 至啱。改了。
ivina 2007/08/13 13:58:43 回覆



嗯 嗯 嗯!!!

Compromise... and the long run among them.

2007/08/13 13:21:26 回覆

Successful of getting "Win-Win" is a matter of how the involved  parties would Compromise... and the long run benefit among them.



ivina 2021/12/09


ivina 2021/12/09


wongi 2021/11/06

送上星星。姜B魅力很厲害,他的影迷在金鐘的麥當奴排隊,在mirror 樂隊前拍照啊!場面熱鬧啊!

淺雪 2021/10/30
