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KC blog 主


2008/02/29 01:21:51 網誌分類: 時事
29 Feb



財爺派錢, 有人批評佢太受曾蔭權的影響o黄SIR覺得這些批評的人,真係亂噏一通, 完全冇經大腦o此類人第一時間有發言權, 一是傳媒人物, 一是學者或社會知名人仕, (一定揾唔倒黄SIR, 因為小弟日日唱歌, 跳舞, 打牌, 賭波, 賭馬, 鬼得閒發表意見!)


此類人士, 多數都是冇乜真知綽見, 多屬隨口噏就當秘笈!正如今次話財爺受特首影響, 就係一D不知莊閒的儍想法, 佢不受施政報告影響至奇也o(佢係特首委任, 即係特首馬仔, 又點會唔跟老細路線行呢?你地D批評者, 唔該用吓個腦啦!)


又有人謂, 財爺咁亂派錢, 是為了自已日後做特首鋪路!唉!咁噏法, 真係隨意得緊要, 佢做乜你都可以話佢,  是為了自已日後做特首鋪路啦!咁亂噏都有市塲, SIR真冇話可說矣!


其實大家對此類言論, 大可一笑置之o呢班友用腦的能力, 真係奇差也,有時間不如聽黄SIR吹水好過啦!


香港此社會, 忽然變了冇乜人肯用吓腦, 派錢都被人話, 唔派又話守財奴!你叫人點做嘢嘞!批評文化正如下述之故事一樣!


有一位老人家和一位小女孩拖住一頭小牛, 走在大路上o


旁邊的人就批評話, 個老人家都唔識坐上條牛背上, 咁就摼力D, 於是老人家就死死氣坐上牛背上o


行咗一段路, 又有人批評, 個老人都冇愛心嘅, 要個細路女行路, 自己就舒舒服服坐上牛背上o於是老人家又只有死死氣落地, 俾小女孩坐上牛背上o


又行了一段路, 又有人批評, 個小女孩真係冇大冇細, 自己就舒舒服服,都冇心個老人家, 於是小女孩和老人家又只好一齊, 同坐上牛背上o


又行了一段路, 又有人批評, 两個人坐住隻咁細隻嘅牛, 容乜易整死隻牛嫁!





回應 (2)
KC blog 主
KC blog 主 2008/02/29 19:37:20 回覆


2008/02/29 18:26:09 回覆

But the budget really has many problems with it.

First, it injects HKD8.5 billion into the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF)account of those with salary below HKD10,000.  Why single out that group of people?  Any relevance with the average salary of HK residents, which is about HKD6,000 - 8,000 a month?  And why set at HKD6,000 but not HKD2,000 - 3,000 for every residents?  This is really money from taxpayers' pocket, not like the deduction in salary tax!  What is/are the justification for doing so in giving out "true gold white silver"?  For the part of HKD3,000 for old people, I don't really mind, because this is a recognition of their age and contribution in the past.  But for those with salary under HKD10,000, there is no justification to do so!

Has the Government ever thought of this fund should be credited to the MPF account and the holder will have to indicate which fund they would like to purchase with this fund.  Don't forget that the beneficiary still have to wait till 65 years old to get the money, whilst the banks and fund companies could get the commission of at least 1.25%, i.e. HKD1.06 billion with immediate effect!!!  And another 2.5% annual management fees on these sum forever or till the holder withdraw the money from the institutions, whichever is the earlier!  So, how many billion or trillion of HKD is divert to the bank and fund sector!!!  How come ICAC is not going to investigate this case of briding the bank sector with huge sum of public money?

Second, giving out HKD4.5 billion to susidize the electricity bill of which household sure will boost the consumption of electricity, especially during summer time (I think this Summer sure will very very hot because we got a very cold winter this year).  Is this bonus environmentally friendly?  Also, the upsurge in consumption sure will be the excuse for the two electricity companies (1) to increase in capital investment/fix assets, and in turn increase they claim for fixed percentage of benefits; (2) and asking for more lands for building the new facilitates.  So, is this an indirect way the Government is compensating the electricity companies after signing the new agreement with them, which will be become effective by end 2008?



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