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樂觀面對逆境 3

2008/06/13 10:26:54 網誌分類: 生活
13 Jun


SIR雖然大半生在象牙塔內, 受到很大的保護, 但從社會新聞, 及自已親身所見所聞, D朋友真係好鬼唔好彩, 例如本身勤奮向上, 卻遇上不思上進, 或身染惡習, 例如爛賭, 爛滾, 爛玩的配偶或家人, 結果搞到一身蟻, 無法自拔!

有則社會新聞, 有人信朋友, 用私人担保讓朋友借錢, 結果是朋友去如黄鶴, 結果搞到當事人冇啦啦, 要宣佈破產至收得科o

又有個女人, 因就泥生BB, 便去買層樓, 誰知此層樓的業主是個老千, 根本層樓唔係佢溉, 女人被原業主告, 並收回層樓, 銀行又要追佢供按揭, 老公又日哦夜哦, 後來竟搞到要離婚, 真係人間悲劇o

曾經有個女人, 同朋友出外旅遊,朋友居然在佢行李暗携毒品, 結果在泰國被處死刑, 你話做人係咪要好小心呢?

有時打工, D同事, 天生邪惡, 成日諗計害人害物o黄SIR以前有位同事, 就係一個咁嘅人, 在食飯閒談時, 如果你俾佢知道有乜犯了學校條例之事, 佢就會走去做25, 非常衰格!條友仲扮到十分虔誠, 食飯時例牌祈禱, 但個心就毒過條蛇!真係一樣米食百樣人也o

能夠開開心心過日子, 真係要非常感恩至得o

但如果一旦飛來橫禍, 遇上逆境, 就要平常心應付, 要好有智慧, 才可以擺脫厄運o

冇智慧的人, 只會自困愁城!明未?

回應 (3)
KC blog 主
KC blog 主 2008/06/13 14:20:05 回覆

ha ha 正言若反o



2008/06/13 11:12:01 回覆
One more point to add - for those who believe in God, they also believe in last minute repenting!  Thus, they dare to do all the wrong and bad deeds in their lives and they just remind themselves that one day after they have done enough or the second before their death, they should remember to repent for all their wrong doings by praying to God, they will then be forgiven!!!  So, why not carry out all those bad and wrong deeds they prefer?

Me, too, I also believe in God, and are heading for last minute repenting!  I am so free to carry out anything I like - with my hands and legs not tighten up by anything at all!
2008/06/13 11:03:33 回覆
I won't trust any one who believe in God and Jesus, and will assume they are as evil as God.  You may refer to the country USA, which always say in God we trust, and watch their act - in God they kill and invade others ever since its beginning!

Actually, the Bible is selling bloodshed and severe punishment.  Only if you like a roboot and do what God want you to do, otherwsie, God will take your life as it sees fit and without any mercy at all.

Moreover, he also c reates those evil spirits to tease you and fool around and see whether you are able to resist those temptations offered by those powerful figures!  These all tell us the God is so evil in itself.


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