
2009/06/08 01:09:48 網誌分類: 未分類
08 Jun


stephen 兄分析: (7/6/2009)

The HSI will have a rally soon.

It will be the last time to get on the bull-train tomorrow.

The reasons are as follows:

1. The 'Dow's' index had already made a new high with the 'silver-hill valley showing on the weekly graph. It stands on the line SMA(200)股價及相關新聞 now also..

2.  6月8日道指成份股有變,思科取代通用,Travellers替代Citi,到時道指會炒上9000點以上,恆指到時應該唔會太差。


 3. The signal MACD is above a '0' point with the signal RSI(14) at above the '50' showing on the monthly graph.

4. I found that most of the 2,3 lines shares will start a second rally soon.

5. There are so many bears in the market.

6. There is so much hot money.

7. The cruel oil had just a little return even that the USdollars index have a greater rebounding. Besides, the Goldman announced a report to talk good the cruel oil before. The Goldman is the biggest cruel oil future option controller in the world. 高盛看好油價,將今年油價預測,由每桶65美元,調高至85美元,並預測至2010年,油價將高見每桶95美元。

8. The market will not start an adjustment before the cruel oil start an adjustment.

10. The economics datas for USA are still good.

11. The USdollars index will not have a greater rebounding as the it will be better for the USA's export trading. 美元不會作出大反彈, 因為弱美元有利美國出口

  The target for the index will be '19335','19800', '20600' only.


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元帥你睇到乜 {#iconb_61}

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上面好多 {#iconb_625}

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