
文相濡: 2012龍年預測

2011/12/28 19:25:08 網誌分類: 其他
28 Dec
文相濡: 2012龍年預測
信報財經新聞 24-12-2011

此文寫於2011年11月16日,雖然執筆之日還未到2012年2月4日立春,即龍年的開始,但回顧過去十個月,世界各地的政治和經濟,可算風高浪 急,各國面臨很大的考驗,政治方面,先有日本八級地震和海嘯,引發出核洩危機,之後中東茉莉花革命,敍利亞狂人卡達菲被殺、10月泰國六十年一遇的嚴重水 災等等;經濟方面,標準普爾降低無力還款的「歐豬」(PIGS)四國財政狀況評級。

2011年11月初,加多一條「豬脷豬腳」(意大利 (脷),其地圖形狀似腳)出事,變成「歐豬」(PIIGS)五國,今次這隻「豬」終於長出腳了,可以會走遍中東和整個歐洲,很有可能震盪中東及歐洲的債主 銀行,再衝擊歐羅體系內的各國債主銀行的金融互扣關係;美國經過大量印鈔之後,其國債亦被標準普爾降低評級。投機者看見歐美的金融危機一觸即發,於是在 9、10月造淡,股市大跌,跌勢至今未完。此外,又有示威者進駐美國的華爾街逾月,世界各地的青年響應進駐當地的金融中心街道等等,這都是衝擊世界的大 事。


回顧最近十年的天災人禍,愈趨嚴重,世界各地政經紛亂、反恐戰線奇多,反常的天氣引致水 災、旱災,以致糧食大失收,通脹加劇,繼北極後,南極臭氧層也出現大洞了。難怪考古學者重提瑪雅日曆說2012年12月21日後會有新世界,大家都演繹 「新世界」為2012年是世界末日之年。那麼,從玄學的角度看2012的龍年,又有什麼啟示?龍,在中國而言,象吉,但是否中國和世界都會有吉祥的一年 呢?

其實坊間預測流年吉凶的方法很多,筆者多年以來都習慣用立春的天干地支組成的八字,流年的玄空飛星圖和飛星卦象作推算,發覺效果不差, 可以和大家分享一下。2012年的玄空飛星是六白星入中與八運中宮艮土相遇,是為《易經》的天山遯卦,即2012的流年吉凶可以視為與遯卦引發或有關。先 說遯卦,遯,古通遁字,指君子因小人得勢而要蟄伏和引退的意思。


它在六十四卦的《卦序 歌》內排序是第三十三卦,在恆卦之後,大壯卦之前。放諸現今世情來演繹,可以說地球環境與天的和諧,經過多年持續(恆卦之意)的人為破壞,人心不古的情說 下,「天地人」三者已失去平衡,「天」會用天氣或其他天災警告人類,「地」也會地震或地劫憤怒地警告人類,在八運(2004-2023年)以土的五行為主 導,有關「土」的卦象問題會引起世界注意,如地震、乾旱、水災、海嘯、火山爆發、國土邊界糾紛等等的災難愈來愈嚴重,而天氣的反常不但令農物失收,也會引 發瘟疫,與此同時,也代表「天醫」的八運,促使醫學加速發展,新藥研發達,但農物失收、土地資源的紛爭會令各國的政財經陷入混亂,出現千瘡百孔,每況愈下 的局面,已到了小人(或者是負面的東西)得勢,政治經濟都會大開倒車,開始陷入衰退了。這時候,君子(或者是正面的東西)也須要暫避勢頭,隱退思考擊敗小 人的方法。在經濟而言,小人,是那「造淡者」或者是那些設計衍生投資泡沫的人,無論投資輸贏,他們仍然可以拿走數以億計的花紅;君子,自然是那些經濟「拯 救者」。2012年會是「造淡者」最盛勢的一年,經濟可要先死而後生,但衰極必盛,希望2013年才重回健康的基礎上發展。


玄 學真是很玄妙,請大家想想:從玄學角度看2012年,早已知道會由遯卦作主,但歐洲人也好似盡量配合玄學卦象一樣,自己硬拼合出「歐豬」一詞來形容當前形 勢。遯字,字面的解作就是一隻走走停停的大豬啊!看遯字的字象,廣東人可能會說:「弊!大豬坐艇,糗了。」更妙的是遯卦的初六爻辭是「尾,厲,勿用有攸 往。」而其註釋說:「遯尾(危),厲,豬尾有被割斷之險,不動不去為吉。」這不是說歐洲主要大國恨不得跟歐豬四國割蓆嗎?(意大利這隻豬腳太大了,割不 得。)不過,大家知道一旦劃清界線,彼此就會「攬住死」(一齊死)了。遯卦爻辭全部以豬喻事,遯卦的九三爻辭是「繫遯,有疾厲,畜臣妾,吉。」九四「好 遯,君子吉,小人否。」九五「嘉遯,貞吉。」和上九「肥遯,無不利。」大家會不會認為這些爻辭正好配合「歐豬」的未來吉凶呢?看來冥冥中的主宰早已幽默地 給了我們一些啟示。


先簡說卦象,6白乾卦入中宮,遯卦主事。以世局而言,遯卦入中, 各國領袖對當前政治經濟的敗局束手無策。而西方國家,應指歐美或歐洲國家本身出現因財失義而決裂和各自損財之象,大家都要痛定思痛後提出政經大改革;而東 方國家,以中國為主,在西方國家無助下,會有漁人得利之象。北方出現換領袖而爭位,引發出動兵師奪位之象,看來北韓會有兵變的發生。東南方為巽卦,巽為 風,又是太歲方位,流年會力士(一個大災煞),恐怕龍年會出現百年一遇的極大颱風和龍捲風,引發大災難。


現 在說玄空飛星。7星兌卦,兌為水澤,又為桃花,飛臨西北方,龍年輪到歐美國家出類似泰國的水災,引發疫症流傳,又西方領袖會有桃花劫。大家還說記得 2003年沙士一疫令世界談疫色變嗎?當年就是6入中,五黃到巽宮了,因為風有擴散之力,我還記得當年香港威爾斯醫院沙士大爆發就是因為醫護人員在不知病 毒的擴散力情況下在8A病房用噴霧器(產生風)幫助一名沙士病人而使病毒速度感染其他醫護人員。2012年,因為五黃、太歲和力士都滙聚巽方,希望今次不 會重演任何瘟疫,如有,我恐怕比沙士更更凶啊!6白入中,6數主動,中土有動象是地震之兆,中東和西南方會有六級以上的大地震,南方有險,因為三煞值位, 險情恐怕也達災難性程度。3到西南方,3是地震之象。


它的干支分別是辰年,寅月,乙未日 和乙酉時。這個八字的特徵是天干的壬和乙都是入墓,即乙見未,壬見辰。入墓,有遁入隱藏的意思,是大凶之象。何解?「入墓」便是失去動力,若全世界都靜下 來,代表什麼呢?大家可以想像一下後果。乙為木,木有向上發展的本能,木在初春,極需陽光扶植生長,可惜八字無火,木生長乏力,那不就是經濟衰退嗎?壬為 水,水可以帶動運輸、製造貿易和創造財富,現在都入墓了,完全失去活力。雖然在八字學上,天干的木見地支未土或天干的水見地支的辰土也可視為有「根」(有 根基可待發展之意),但要有適合的環境條件才可以發揮木和水自己五行的特性。立春八字是無力生財格局,各國表面同氣相連,但都是口和心不和。而且種種迹象 顯示,都是不吉。由飛星卦象演繹出的龍年吉凶,更是大凶!

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慳妹 2013/01/10


Happy anniversary to you and Little Bee!

慳妹 2012/01/10

chanreborn & Little Bee:



花姐 2011/12/07





chanreborn 2011/02/17
Wilshere and Szczesny give Arsenal far more authority and guts

By Myles Palmer

Arsenal 2 Barcelona 1

Villa 26, Van Persie 78, Arshavin 83


The key player in the Nou Camp will be Szczesny.

So pray that nothing happens to Arsenal’s goalkeeper between now and Tuesday, March 8th.

Barcelona’s style is cleverly-timed runs onto sharp little passes, which c reates a lot of one-on-one chances with the keeper.

Wojciech Szczesny’s fine positional judgement makes him a master of making opponents shoot into the side-netting or just past the post.

On the goal, he was a bit unlucky because David Villa, a razor finisher in these situations, slotted between his legs.

By contrast, he got lucky on the loose ball after his save, when the scrambling Messi headed in but was flagged offside. Messi wasn't offside.

For me, Szczesny was Arsenal’s best player last night for that reason. Making Messi miss was the name of the game.

Yes, Koscielny played his finest game in an Arsenal shirt.

Yes, Jack Wilshere played with remarkable authority at the heart of the team. England need to play Jack football, Fabio - not Capello football.

Yes, of course, CL knock-out ties are a game of four halves.

Arsenal lost the first half 1-0 and won the second half 2-0 and halves three and four will roll round 20 days from now.

Arsenal raised their tempo after half-time and the game turned on 68 when Keita and Arshavin came on.

Keita replaced Villa to stiffen Barca's midfield, which was running out of steam, and allowed young Busquets to go ball-hunting further up the field.

Arshavin’s arrival (for Song) allowed him to link in a cool manner with Clichy, who played a killer ball forward into the box with his right-foot and gave Van Persie a chance to hit a mighty left-foot shot on the half- volley inside the near post of Victor Valdes for 1-1.

Valdes has always had flaky moments. That blunder by allowed Arsenal back into a game that Barcelona were still playing mostly in Arsenal's half.

Still, defending deeper can be good. You can only counter-attack if your opponents are in your half of the field. You can attack too much in a game. If you attack less, you often score more.

Frankly, Fabregas, Eboue and Walcott had been crap.

All three played crap. Only a blinkered, badge-kissing nincompoop would say any of those three played well last night.

Arsenal had nothing on the right flank but now, suddenly, that was where the winning goal came from after a fabulous move.

The cool Koscielny picked up the ball in his penalty area, passed to Bendtner, who passed infield to Wilshere, then quickly forward to Fabregas, who instantly released Nasri with a superb ball down the right flank.

Nasri could have tried the obvious with a low cross to the far post but chose instead to play a lovely pass which allowed Arshavin to curl his sidefoot shot behind Abidal and into the net from 15 yards.

That quality goal gave Arsenal their first victory against Barcelona and it set the seal on the pulsating, rocking, thrilling night that the Emirates has needed since 2006.

Sporting Gijon was a factor last night because game was much harder than the Wolves game was for Arsenal .

After two and half years of staggering success, and intensifying pressure, Barcelona are showing signs of burn-out, so Pep has to husband his resources very carefully.

Coming back off an international break, which is mostly where Barcelona d rop their points, he conceded an early goal at Gijon in a game that was very passionate, intense and physical, since Gijon are fighting for their lives just above the drop-zone.

 I was really enjoying the game but as the second half went on I was thinking : This is taking a lot out of Barcelona !

Indeed, it was a helluva battle that was taking a lot out of both sides.

Just as the commentators began to say that David Villa was about to be taken off, he glided onto a wonder-pass from Messi and chipped the keeper from the edge of the box and it finished 1-1.

Success brings a heavy schedule.

The more games you win, the more the pressure is on you. To handle that you need character and guts. Wilshere and Szczesny have given the team a lot more personality and authority than it had last year.

Big characters, big difference.

As Rufus Thomas said, age ain’t nothin’ but a number.


ARSENAL (4-2-3-1): Szczesny; Eboue, Djourou, Koscielny, Clichy; Song (Arshavin, 67), Wilshere; Walcott (Bendtner, 77), Fabregas, Nasri; Van Persie. Subs not used Almunia (gk), Rosicky, Denilson, Squillaci, Gibbs. Booked Song, Nasri, Van Persie

BARCELONA (4-3-3): Valdes; Alves, Pique, Abidal, Maxwell; Xavi, Busquets, Iniesta (Adriano, 88); Pedro, Messi, Villa (Keita, 67). Subs not used Pinto (gk), Bojan, Mascherano, Milito, Afellay. Booked Iniesta, Pique (misses second leg)

Possession :Arsenal 47% Barcelona 53%

Shots on target Arsenal 8 Barcelona 7

Man of the match: Szczesny.

Referee Nicola Rizzoli (Italy) 

Crowd 59,927.