
2015/04/03 02:40:41 網誌分類: 賽馬
03 Apr



而大家可以在周末越洋直播的羅克斯錦標裡,見到之前在網上瘋傳,取勝姿態驚人的「強如疾風」。在連贏千四及千六米後,今次牠將跳上二千米出爭三級賽,這匹Sadler's Well女兒所生的雌馬,氣量將受考驗。如果鞍上人潘頓發揮得好而又取勝的話,不排除會繳付懲罰性報名費角逐下周六的橡樹大賽。 


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Bruce K. Paxton
Bruce K. Paxton 2017/07/16

You are absolutely correct. By supporting a lot (as much as possible)

One can ascertain that one will achieve some kind of relative response depending on how co incidental the responsive data is to the attention. If the optimal supportive motivation is relative to the foundation (wether valid or not) a supportive return will follow.

Accuracy is the issue. This is an hypothetical deduction (not quite as comprehensive as educational requirements are about here in North America) but by any of the individuals motive intelligence. Linguistics and vocabulary play the most important part of communication. Gaps of data in verbal communication only provide confusion.

To express anything at all one must work untill one can say what one means in its entirety otherwise       one   will express a peer groups distrust and desire to avoid the issue. The bottom line is to study practical, basic, fundemental, primary, ground level technicalities of domestic level to know for sure   one    is known for sure   and this aspect goes far and beyond the experience of the

 marriage relationship  which is considered by most the most complete education for the poor.    From your good friend Bruce K. Paxton