Interesting riddle
While watching a TV programme the other day, the author came across an interesting riddle.
May I take this opportunity to share the same with the readers.
The riddle reads as follows:-
Give Get
Give Get
Give Get
Give Get
Wanna a clue? Count the number of GIVE's and the number of GET's.
The answer will be announced in due course. Stay tuned.
In the same programme, there is another saying worth mentioning.
We are living in the post-industrialisation world. With the advent of technology, both menial and manual, and even traditional jobs are vaporizing. The demonstrations of the taxi drivers in different places of the world complaining against Uber is an vivid example. This may be the tip of the iceberg, or the harbinger, unfortunately.
Hence, it is ever more important for you and me to keep learning and to adapt to new technology.
Of course, apart from intellectual skills, soft skills such as empathy and leadership are crucial.
May the odds be with you!
The answer is "Forgive and Forget". Get it?