The five most popular online marketing

2018/05/23 15:45:55 網誌分類: 生活
23 May

Internet marketing is a word that has often been mentioned in the past few years. Nowadays, companies do not seem to be able to keep up with the trend of online marketing. What is Internet marketing? How should companies start doing online marketing? This article allows you to understand online marketing and how to do it!

What is online marketing?
In simple terms, the definition of online marketing is through digital technology to market products or services, also known as digital marketing. Internet marketing has developed rapidly between 1990 and 2000, changing the marketing tactics of companies using technology. With the increasing penetration of internet and smart phones, online marketing has become an integral part of corporate marketing strategies. The most important part.

Online marketing

What are the Internet marketing methods?
There are a wide range of online marketing techniques, including SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Direct Marketing, Paid Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, etc. Wait. These online marketing tactics rely on the emergence of new technologies to be implemented. Each one has a different face to influence consumers. The following will be introduced one by one.

Search Engine Optimization SEO
SEO search engine optimization is to improve the ranking of websites in search results through methods such as website optimization and keyword optimization. After the company reviews its own products and services, it decides on the target keywords of the website and can start keyword research and place keywords in the content of the website while optimizing the website structure.

This results in high search engine scores and better rankings on search results pages. Consumers are more likely to reach them when searching for relevant keywords.

Learn more about why to do SEO?

Content Marketing
In the era of the rise of the Internet, consumers received explosive messages each day. They were tired and tired of promoting the content of the products. Content marketing attracts consumers to visit your website again and again and again through creating content that is valuable to the customer, increasing customer loyalty and the conversion rate of the site.

Content marketing is not only a network marketing method, but also the core of digital marketing. It is used in all aspects of online marketing, including search engine optimization SEO, social networking marketing, email marketing and so on.

Paid Marketing
One phrase to describe paid advertising is advertising on the Internet. Advertising marketing includes social platforms such as Facebook advertising, keyword advertising, and Google Network advertising.

Paid marketing - online advertisement

Compared with traditional advertisements (bus advertisements, kanban advertisements, etc.), in addition to different advertising paths, digital advertisements use data analysis to accurately find key audiences, can track the effectiveness of each advertisement, and effectively understand the audience's reaction to advertisements. It is also possible to use Retargeting to re-post advertisements for the customers who have visited the site, increasing the conversion rate and reducing advertising costs.

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