
Easy to learn a variety 雷射去斑的效果如何of skills of poker

2016/06/24 21:19:22 網誌分類: 未分類
24 Jun

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Depending on the choice of different poker games are played licensing technology skills in order to achieve the best results, we hope after reading all of you can help.


Method /


Blackjack: two kinds of methods a Zuozhuang own licensing, no matter how others shuffling, cut card, as long as their license can be obtained at least 20 points, and allows a maximum bet small card, that this method That pass, without practice, you can combat operations. Second, if the dealer licensing, to know how many cards the dealer point, decide whether you want to license. Expansion may be that they have burst into a big brand.


Ten thirty: he Zuozhuang licensing, no matter how others cut card, you can get a king 8:00 or more cards, and found that the following un-issued card points can be controlled bet big buyers have little brand. This method is easy to learn, without practice, you can combat.


Bullfighting: he Zuozhuang shuffle: others cut card, can get four brand shop in the largest number of points card, you can play arbitrary color (called points). This new technology research, than the original "Back to the Dragon," "set shop" and so much more advanced, winning one hundred percent. Others in power, their own bets, whether issued in their hands what ace five points, can become big, or even 10:00, experts known as the "golden hook hanging."


Flush: Whoever licensing, to know each cards points, if they are available 2 king heads home the desired card.


Run fast: no matter how others shuffling, cut card, the king himself can get 3 or 4 and 2 king etc. A good cards.


Excellencies: through the normal shuffling, can be arbitrarily cut card by someone else, just pick the color (called points) can get the maximum number of points after the cards can also be 0:00, 1:00, 2:00 arrangements to others, even their own little ideas, We can win.


