
Playing cards

2019/03/15 14:06:39 網誌分類: 生活
15 Mar

A group of people are bored and tidy. Let's play cards. This game can be as long as 2 or more. Let's take a look at the rules

Playing cards

Tools/raw materials
a deck of cards

2 people and above

Method / step
Wash a deck of cards with the back facing up on the table

Playing cards

The shuffler draws a card from it and puts it on the table. Dark card

Playing cards

The dealer’s next home touches and always touches the card.

Playing cards

Throw the cards in pairs on the table

The card is drawn counterclockwise by the dealer's next home. Throw the pair and throw it on the table

Playing cards

The winner is the winner, and there is still a loser in the hand. The loser is responsible for the next round of shuffling.

Playing cards

At this point, the dark card should be illuminated. If the remaining cards in the loser are not 1 or the cards in the loser are not equal to the cards, the correctness of the cards must be re-verified.

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